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Posts posted by p40ulw

  1. I've used YBFilters around a dozen times over the past 10 years. Nevr had a single problem with them.


    Sorry to hear you had a poor experience.

    Get them to supply you some stuff free of charge.

    Im sure you are capable of changing the filter yourself post service. I know it's apain, but these things happen.


    As far as getting some stuff in compensation i couldn't be bothered talking to her any more she really wound me up.


    ive ordered all the bits i need from ZMANALEX, fingers crossed they get here for saturday (i know sat delivery isn't guaranteed)

  2. I had a similar thing happen with Opie Oils when I ordered oil and they didn't have it in stock and didn't contact me. In the end they sent replacement fluids (twice what I needed) as an apology, everyone makes mistakes sometimes. They have 99.8% positive on nearly 17,000 transactions so they can't be that bad....


    well im defo in the 0.2%


    i went to opie oils myself the other day and they are great to talk, an absolute wealth of knowledge!!


    like you said everyone makes mistakes

  3. right i ordered everything i needed for my service on tuesday first thing, (about 7:30am) (service booked for saturday morning i ordered the parts on tuesday)


    everything was dispatched ASAP except my K&N filter pack from ybfilters http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/ybfilters/?_t ... 4340.l2559


    this morning i checked and they still hadn't been dispatched so i called them at 9am and asked them how i could get my filters ASAP as my car is in for a service on saturday morning, the lady said i could pay £5 for 24hours delivery, so i paid the £5 and i was happy in knowing my filters would be here tomorrow (13th)


    i received an email at 5:46PM saying unfortunatyl my filters were out of stock!!!!!!! :rant::rant:


    was the woman i spoke to this morning a f**k**g idiot? how did she let me pay more for 24hours delivery when they havnt got them in stock!!!! :bang::bang: i tell you what if she was a bloke and i knew where he was i would be stamping on his head right now!!!!


    I would highly recommend to everyone steer well clear!!

  4. Hi boys and girls.


    My problem it this, I had the bose hack done about 6 month ago by cookbot and it's worked perfectly till now, I just went to plug my Samsung galaxy s2 in to listen to some music on it and it won't work. so I thought I'd try a tape in it to see if the Bose tape player was working. (I didn't disconnect the phone). And with the tape in it played the music off my phone :shrug:. But once you take the tape out again it doesn't play through the phone. The tape player works fine on its own without the phone conected.


    Dose anyone know why this is? And dose anyone know how to sort it?




    what is the reason for the hack?

  5. Wheel spacers are a staple mod that most carry out, 20mm front and 25mm rear are popular, they help line the wheels with the arches perfectly... :thumbs:


    Here's a link to them on our site - http://cougarstore.co.uk/index.php?main ... cPath=1_18 :thumbs:


    Ive been considering these myself, but just cant get my head around the price of them. Last set I bought for another car cost me £25. And last set of alloys I bought only cost me £200!


    But like you say, they really push the wheels out and make the car look better.


    The Eibachs have always been this sort of price for the 350z, you're right in saying that for other makes/models the pricing has been lower, we see this frequently when we supply for other makes/models...:)


    this wasnt in anyway a dig at your pricing mate!


    P.S. thanks for your link

  6. Wheel spacers are a staple mod that most carry out, 20mm front and 25mm rear are popular, they help line the wheels with the arches perfectly... :thumbs:


    Here's a link to them on our site - http://cougarstore.co.uk/index.php?main ... cPath=1_18 :thumbs:


    Ive been considering these myself, but just cant get my head around the price of them. Last set I bought for another car cost me £25. And last set of alloys I bought only cost me £200!


    But like you say, they really push the wheels out and make the car look better.



    im exactly the same! i bought some and they definitely were not over £30 and i think i got given my last set of alloys as my mate needed them gone!


    if anyone needs some rays gone i will be happy to take them off your hands! ;)

  7. is the pop charger the best air filter/induction kit you can get for a 350z

    The best; as in best noise, or best; as in most performance gain?


    Noise is subjective, but a lot of people seem to have the jwt pop charger for this reason.


    As far as performance goes, I believe the stock intake with some better panel filters is the way to go. In fact, I think you can even lose a few HP with most of the after market intakes (Not sure if this is the same for the 313 engine). Have a search of some topics on this subject as there are loads. I'm no expert, but have read quite a lot and gleamed this information from there.


    happy days! ive got some k&n's on the way woohoo


    cheers the advice

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