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Everything posted by Christian350z

  1. Its still comes out of each side but id say more comes out of the right hand side. (There is no difference in how dirty each tip gets either)
  2. I found the guy on ebay but i bought it from his online shop in the end as i asked him to throw in two flanges for and extra £10er: http://www.badlanzhpe.com/po.php?cPath=23
  3. Electric Volume Adjustable Exhaust While my 350 was off getting a new clutch and flywheel i had a chance to mod my standard exhaust. This is how i did it, what is used and how it turned out. I'm not a fabricator, i just had a brief youtube tutorial on welding, anyone can do this but if your not very "hands on" you are better off taking it to a garage. I don't know if anyone has done this before, i'm sure I'm not the first. (Aug 2012) The Idea: to have a exhaust quiet when i'm leaving for work in the morning and loud for when i want to go on a drive. This meant i had to find a way of bypassing the mufflers on demand. Parts Used: Standard exhaust, Metal pipe, 2 metal flanges, Grinder, Welder, Electronic Valve with switch and wires. I started with my old standard exhaust, it was already off the car as i have an after market one on there already. If you attempt this you will have to take your exhaust off. Pic of standard exhaust (not my pic, i forgot to take a shot before i started) This is the cut out valve that i ordered from eBay USA This is the Valve with flanges bolted onto it. I had to cut pipe to the right angles and then weld them onto the flanges. The cuts where done more or less by eye and i just kept offering it up to the exhaust to see if it fit into the correct area. This is where i was offering up the valve and newly made flanges to see that they would fit. Next i cut holes in the standard exhaust in the correct places, this was difficult as there was not much cases for a big grinder and i kept snapping my dermal grinning discs. After the holes where cut i slipped the valve/flange setup into place and tacked it with the welder. once i new it was in the right place i took the valve out and continued to weld around the rest of the flange pipe. (my welding skills are shocking!) Here is a video of It finished (not yet on the car) Here is a video of it driving past (Valve Open) I let my mate drive the car while i took the video (he is not the best, please don't judge) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAC36YlBx-Y My car has test pipes and Y pipe already so its louder than normal anyway. I will try and get some better video's so compare the sound closed and shut when i next get the chance.
  4. I'm interested, could you post of pic with your 350z lowered with the spacers? so i can see how they sit together
  5. Dual Induction or air filters, any sort, 2007+ HR I'm looking to make my z more throaty. Get in context, looking for a 2nd hand price (yes im a cheap scape lol)
  6. ****Status Update**** Thanks for everyones quick replays. The garage said the parts are wrong, they quickly identified that the parts were for a pre facelift 350z which has the DE engine where as i have the slightly newer HR engine. The garage is pretty good, iv been going to them for years, i trust them. So i rang the company that supplied the parts and told them what the garage told me, they were sure that they had sent me the right parts. So i got the supplying company to ring the garage and talk it over. The company then rang me back and told me they had sent the wrong parts and i should send back the wrong bits to exchange them for the right ones. This is as far as iv got, the parts are already on there way back so that they can be exchanged. Hopefully he dose have the right bits, if he dosnt i will be have to "PM Zmanlex". Ill keep everyone up to date with the outcome. If it turns out alright i will tell everyone the name of the company so it can be used, if this doesn't go to plan i will not be giving them any forum publicity.
  7. ill buy them. i'm going to send you a pm
  8. I brought an aftermarket clutch kit and flywheel from a company, because its half the price. £530 all in. The car is now on the ramp at a local garage and they are telling me it is the wrong clutch ...ect So.... i need a clutch kit and dual mass flywheel for a 57 place 350z, thats the HR model, i can only find the old model 350z parts and im not up for paying £1900 for nissan parts!!! Can anyone tell me where i can get a clutch kit and dualmass flywheel?? Please help guys
  9. I agree, i was looking for something deeper as well. This setup made a distinctive sound in the rpm around 3k to 4k, it all of a sudden became very loud under load.... this made me smile but always made me wonder what it would sound like deeper. Anyway i always was going to play around with different exhausts on my 350z, im currently making an interesting mod for the standard exhaust. ill update everyone when i'm done. An update to my current exhaust, here is the video of when i added a new Y pipe to the setup, the sound changed slightly and the backfires are intense in the high rpm. http://youtu.be/nZPQz0XXVEE
  10. My New Test Pipes video, Before & After. I went to America recently and brought some exhaust parts back with me. Catback and testpipes. (also bought a cheap "y" pipe when i got back) Video with just catback exhaust: http://youtu.be/aOTWIJEx6lE Video with catback and test pipes: http://youtu.be/jZ7hH1YAP8M I'm undecided on the sound, might go for a completely different system, i just wanted to do something different. The good new is the power delivery feels a bit more instant, could do with remap to make the most of the new system tho. I have done 500 miles and the exhaust emission light has not come on
  11. whats the price on the FRP front lip on the facelift? it cant be as expensive as all the others, because all other facelift front lips are carbon, its very hard to find non carbon front lip for facelift, i'm sure there is a bigger market for it than there is for carbon.
  12. Sorry just to clear this up, dose that include the cats...... will 03 test pipes fit an 08?
  13. Thanks but i'm not looking at getting a remap until i have done a fair few more bits, which will take time. Could do with a reader for now if you are selling them, do you have any contacts?
  14. Have a read of this thread, it should help. viewtopic.php?f=64&t=30972&start=0&hilit=code+reader Thanks for the link, do you know where i can buy one of these readers from? or do you know someone on the forum that i can buy it off, seems like a useful tool to have for my self
  15. Please enlighten me I'm going to get some Decats / Test pipes, whichever you want to call them. (I know they wont pass the MOT, i'm keeping hold of my standard cats so i can change back for the MOT) I have had a few different cars in the past with decats. Some of them had the light come on, others didn't. To stop the light from coming i put a spacer on the o2 sensor so that when it was in the exhaust, it didn't sit directly in the exhaust gas flow, this stopped the light from coming on, it sort of tricks the sensor into thinking all is ok. Most of you will already know about spacers and how they work. The main question is will emissions light come on? - If so do you need a o2 sensor spacers? - Can you buy decats with the spacers already attached? - If your light dose come on, and you reset it, how long will it last before it comes back on again? I'v seen a link somewhere on the forum for resetting everything, some sort of timing procedure with the accelerator pedal. Can anyone give me a link to a code reader that can delete the codes (dash light)? Which of you have had your dash light come on and what did you do about it? Thanks for the help
  16. Its a nismo mid and backbox. Cant remember what he said the rest of the parts were made by. Wile i have your attention on fitment. Will a 2003 splitter/lip fit a 2008 z? I didn't think it would because there are slight differences to the bit at the bottom in the middle. If not, where can i get one from? i don't want a carbon fibre one, they are nice but its not my look
  17. Thanks Tarmac If anyone els thinks different please feel free to post
  18. Looking into buying a 2nd hand exhaust system off a friend (its in good shape), his 350z is a 2003 and mine is a 57 plate (313bhp) Will it fit? He has a full system.. engine back. I thought there are a fair few changes made between the older 350z engines to the newer ones. Will the exhaust system fit (y pipe back)? Will the Y pipe fit? Will the test pipes fit? Will the manifolds/headers fit? Can i buy the hole lot or will only the Y pipe back system fit? anyone got any idea Thanks for all your help on the subject. I think i will post the install with pictures.
  19. This is my first problem post, can anyone help.... My clutch is starting to go in my Z, its a 313bhp GT 57 plate at 59k. Its not too bad yet but is slipping between gear changes, which means i need to get a new one soon. How much is the clutch/kit? How much is labour? Would it be cheaper to go to nissan or to a local garage? What have guys payed in the past, any tips?
  20. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, I'v just bought a 350z and i'm picking it up on saturday. I'm sure i will be making some posts here soon. It's a Grey 57 plate GT 313, anything i need to watch out for?
  21. I'm looking for used, i should of said. just spend all my money buying the car lol
  22. NIsmo Exhaust Wanted.... PM me. i ahve cash
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