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Everything posted by Crewman

  1. Crews TV - Skys Modified Car Show Hi all, Just a quick introduction to us here at Crews and our TV showing which is premiering this Sunday (1st April) 9pm on Sky Showcase (Channel 203) We at CrewsVs.com have spent a lot of our time attending, photographing and filming as many local and major car meets as we physically can meeting car enthusiasts like yourselves. Now we are at a stage to take it to the next level and bring the car modifying scene along with us! Firstly; we are not trying to sell you anything, nor are we asking for your money, commitment to anything or to detract any members from your forum! We are only interested in your feedback on our TV show dedicated to the world of car tuning and modifying. What is the CrewsVs UK TV show? CrewsVs UK is the TV Show focused on all aspects of everything related to car tuning and modifying. Whether it's tuning cars for drag, drift, show or anything inbetween, we're giving it our full attention to bring it to your screens! Why are we approaching your forum? You guys and girls aren't just our audience, you're also who we're looking to include in the show.We've already attended and filmed dozens of club-meets to go on the show and we want to give more uk car clubs a chance to have themselves represented as fellow enthusiasts.We're also aware that the show is representing the scene in the UK, which in turn includes you! Who are "We"? CrewsVs UK consists of a large team of people who, like you, simply enjoy cars!! Everyone from the presenters, guests, media team and web team are all just as happy as yourselves to spend countless hours trawling the forums searching for the best suspension kits and parts for our cars. We've teamed up with some of the biggest names in UK's tuning and modifying world to bring you the UK's First Modified Car TV Show. We aim to portray the modified car community in the best possible light and dont condone any reckless or illegal activities. The show starts on 1st April at 9pm on Sky Showcase2 (Channel 203), we hope you'll join us and look forward to your feedback! For all those who do not have Sky, the TV company has agreed to stream the show live on the net at http://t.co/on3Kh6ze
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