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Everything posted by twobears

  1. Oh dear, I have just made a monumental error when dropping my daughter off in a busy street. As I was pulling into a space I thought she was getting out as she had her hand on the door handle and I panicked and comprehensively scraped Stan's nearside fore wheel (or at least that's what I would call it if he were a horse) along the pavement. I know I am a total klutz and any other name you can think of but I am so upset and want someone to tell me what to do now, except cry and/or hand back my driving licence? Do I need a whole new wheel? Can alloys be repaired somehow? I feel so hacked off with myself and my stupidity that I realise I have probably posted this in entirely the wrong section so please could a kind Mod move it for me? Thank you.
  2. Here's the link http://www.lingscars.com/ You might want to turn down the sound too and don't blame me for any epileptic attacks etc 'cos I did warn you
  3. Er, if you're not joking you are most definitely looking at the wrong website
  4. She's actually a very successful businesswoman but I agree that her website looks like the designer was on a bad acid trip when they designed it
  5. What the actual hell? Look on her website Flex and see how crazy she actually is. I'm pretty sure that Mr TwoBears said the rocket thingy had gone now but it was still on her website a few months back. That website is bizarre!! Yup but all in the best possible taste, no :lol:
  6. What the actual hell? Look on her website Flex and see how crazy she actually is. I'm pretty sure that Mr TwoBears said the rocket thingy had gone now but it was still on her website a few months back.
  7. OMG Mudman, you met Ling What a character eh? Does she still have that enormous rocket launcher thingy?
  8. What does the credit report show exactly? Does it just provide details of any defaults or bankruptcy and CCJs or do they know how much you owe on your card(s) at any given point as well? We always pay ours off in full so not much to find out there and we've never been in debt aside from the mortgage and this car loan and other small interest free loans so I am guessing our reports would be ok? I thought I might have problems because I have no wage but it didn't seem to matter. They were talking to Mr TwoBears about his job but I am not sure if that was in a formal sense or just gossiping about the automotive industry
  9. I am not 100% sure what credit checking involves but I know they did credit checks on me (us?). They definitely didn't ask for proof of earnings from either of us though. They had our bank details for the direct debit but the bank wouldn't be allowed to give out details I don't imagine?
  10. Interesting question! I just bought Stanley the ST3 on finance because it was such a good deal that I couldn't refuse, and I don't even work. I know they asked for some financial details but I was honest about not working so I guess they took Mr TwoBears wage into account and yet they certainly never asked him what he earnt Do they just check you have no outstanding CCJs or something like that I wonder?
  11. Just a further thought from me about 'vulnerability' if one partner becomes dependent on the other in some way or other. To my way of looking at it, in a good relationship, no-one should feel vulnerable because they should know that they have the unconditional love and support of the other. Being able to trust one's partner is hugely important to me and I would not want to be in a relationship without trust, preferring to be on my own than being with someone selfish who really only looked out for themselves. The way I look at the situation is this - what if one of you got ill and wasn't able to work, either temporarily or permanently? Would the other partner just say, "Well my money is my own so I'm not supporting you"? Surely not? Illness, unlike motherhood, can happen to either sex and if we are in good, solid, loving relationships we should be able to rely on the love and support of our partners, whether they be male or female. Sermon over
  12. "...one of the most degrading things I've ever had to do....to ask for money for food or baby clothes" Kraziekatz1, not trying to be horrible but that sounds really odd to me. Was your husband eating food too and was the baby for whom you needed clothes, his baby? If so, I am not sure why it was degrading to ask him to pay for those things if you needed to feed and clothe yourselves and your baby?
  13. Um, he will be buying it. Like I said, I currently earn nothing so Christmas would be a bit on the frugal side if I had to forage in the hedgerows for gifts
  14. One that might be even more 'grateful' Hmm, you might have a point. Maybe I will be ever so 'grateful' tonight. TMI?
  15. Flex, I should add that I only stopped work in the first place because Mr TwoBears asked me to so that I could accompany him on his work-related travels. I took a bit of convincing but he said that he would much prefer to live and work in Europe and have me with him looking after him so that is what I have been doing ever since. We are back in the UK and live down south now (house is in Yorkshire) but he still wants me here so we are renting an apartment close to his office and I spend my time cleaning, ironing, shopping etc but also have plenty of free time to socialise and pursue lots of hobbies. Like I said, it works well for us but I can see that it wouldn't suit everyone.
  16. Yes, he has and I am very grateful. He earns waaaaay more money than I could ever hope to earn but I'm sure he'd be lonely going on holidays and eating out on his own etc. There again he could always swap me for a younger model ...
  17. Thanks everyone for the advice and the warnings too I'm off to bed now as I'm taking our daughter Christmas shopping in London tomorrow and need to be on tip top form so I don't bankrupt myself buying her clothes Will look at all links tomorrow. Have never heard of the cashback type sites before but they sound interesting!
  18. "I just think if you give and give you dont really allow them to fully understand the concept of living in the real world finance wise and to create a rod for your own back." Thankfully Mr TwoBears doesn't think like that or I'd be living in a gutter somewhere, wearing rags and looking forward to my next sip of meths from my brown paper bag We've always had a joint account and credit cards and never had a single argument or even a discussion about money in all the time we've been married. I think that separate accounts are probably more common these days but you have to do what suits you best as a couple. I think I am really spoilt because I get whatever I want, within reason, no questions asked by Mr TwoBears and yet he buys very little for himself other than gadgets. I haven't worked for a couple of years so currently contribute nothing at all to our finances but in the past I have worked my ar$e off and brought in a fairly big chunk of money which allowed us to renovate our house. So I guess we are a good team
  19. Thanks marzman Had a quick peek on there too and they also have very good prices. I am going to have a proper look at both sites tomorrow when I am not so tired but I'm sure I'll get something in my price bracket now.
  20. Had a quick look and they definitely have better prices on there Andy, so thanks, I wouldn't have found that by myself
  21. Thank you. Will go and have a look now
  22. Being the generous soul that I am, I want to buy my daughter's boyfriend a laptop for Christmas but, being the (adopted) Yorkshirewoman that I am, I want to get one at the best possible price I have looked at Tesco, Argos and PC World and they all seem much of a muchness but I wondered if anyone knows of anywhere else that I can look? I only want to spend about £300. Any ideas?
  23. Well done Flex I've no idea what it means but it sounds very impressive and I will remember now never to challenge you to a fight That's not me on the left, really it isn't
  24. I think that marriage, even if you think it is a 'useless piece of paper', gives both partners certain legal rights doesn't it? I'm a bit hazy on the detail but I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as common law marriage and so you run the risk of not being allowed to see your partner if they become seriously ill and hospitalised. A bit extreme I know but it could happen if you were unlucky. Also, if one of you won the lottery and decided to run off with the au pair/tennis coach or whatever, wouldn't you have more rights if you were married? There again if you don't believe in marriage maybe there's nothing that would persuade you to get hitched? I like being married but I wouldn't have wanted a massive, 'look at us' type wedding. We had a lovely little civil wedding in a beautiful venue with only 5 guests and it was perfect for us
  25. Congratulations Vik - hope you will be posting pics?
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