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Everything posted by 14N

  1. 14N

    Wtd: 350Z Key.

    Of course, here you go: http://www.350z-uk.com/index.php?showtopic=16896 The guide in post #2 was the one used
  2. 14N

    Wtd: 350Z Key.

    I know mate. Fortunately I've got a spare, but if I hadn't, I'd be buying one and getting a new blade cut.
  3. Wow, that looks great kbad. Good choice with the Z colour. They look so much better once fitted. Thanks for sharing the pic I'm pleased you're happy with it
  4. 14N

    Wtd: 350Z Key.

    100% perfect! Got a £10 Micra key and followed the UK reprogram instructions found on here (from GIXXER) and it worked spot on! Thanks very much (from both me and my friend)
  5. It'll be dropped off this evening and I imagine collected tomorrow, so fingers crossed you should have it by Wednesday Yes I can make you one no worries, I'll drop you a PM. Thanks Stu, I'll look forward to the pics. I think they do look better once fitted. Of course Martin, no problems mate. I'll drop you a PM
  6. Thank you Toby, much appreciated. Stuggerz, Irn Bru and kbad, yours are all finished and will be in the post ASAP
  7. 14N

    Wtd: 350Z Key.

    Legend! Thank you!
  8. 14N

    Wtd: 350Z Key.

    Anyone got a spare 350Z key or can make a suggestion for an alternative. Mate has left key in jeans pocket and washed it in the washing machine. There is no spare. :doh: Car can still be locked and unlocked manually and can still be driven. My suggestion is to buy a used key fob and intrrnals, swap the blade over and get it reprogrammed (somehow). There are a few Micra keys on eBay such as this one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/172048588201 Looks exactly the same as my Z key, do you think it'll be a safe or stupid assumption that the intrrnals would be the same? Is this possible? Any other options?
  9. Although it wouldn't be an exact colour match, I can wrap the Z using vinyl. So can do a gunmetal or silver colour no probs. There's also a brushed ally or steel look vinyl available if you want to add another subtle element.
  10. Hi Bri, Yeah I'm still making them matey. I have used an orange for the Z before, it's not a perfect colour match, but it doesn't look out of place in a sunset Zed. Let me know if you'd like me to make you one or have any further queries. ;thumbs: Cheers, Ian
  11. You're very welcome Kieran. Really looks great with the blue Z once fitted. Thanks again for asking me to make you one, I'm glad you're happy with it
  12. I haven't sent you yours yet Oliver. Was going to complete it at the weekend, but sounds like you've already got one!?
  13. 14N

    Dyeing leather seats

    Use the leather prep. The stuff you use to key the original colour before applying the new stuff. And yes, I did need to More lessons learnt.
  14. 14N

    Dyeing leather seats

    They look good. What sealant did you go for? I opted for satin. I thought the gloss would just look like paint and the Matt would of been too, erm, Matt. I got a handbrake and gear gaiter for £13 off eBay and did those too. Makes a big difference. And they're so easy to do compared to the seats!! Look forward to seeing them back in the car
  15. Quick query, is the fascia for an aftermarket double DIN head unit the same for a pre facelift and post facelift 350Z, given the centre consoles are different? Ta muchly
  16. Yeah, just take the stud out.
  17. 14N

    Interior wrap ideas

    Not wrap, but Hydrodip - I had my interior done in checker plate as I also wanted something different to the usual carbon but not too loud. Pics can be found on this page of my build thread: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/67814-me-and-my-zed-thread/page__st__280
  18. 14N

    Dyeing leather seats

    OK, found a recent pic on my phone. This is the worst the seat got after about 18 months of use. I purposefully didn't clean or 'touch up' the seat at any point before this, just to see how bad it would/could actually get for a DIY job. Considering it's a very light colour over a very dark colour, I'm happy with the results. As mentioned, this is easily touched up with a paintbrush or a small sponge using some of the colourant that is left over. If you're dyeing Alezan seats with tan, any wear will obviously be much less noticeable.
  19. 14N

    Dyeing leather seats

    Late arrival to this party, sorry. As you may of seen in my thread (thanks for finding it GMB) I tackled this a couple of years ago now, covering my black seats with a very light grey. Most of my findings and thoughts are in my thread. There's NO WAY I'd do it again or even recommend it. After about a week it just flakes off and ends up colouring your clothes more than the seats. Sorry, I couldn't resist. My seats still look great two years on. My main issue is the same that anyone would have with a light coloured leather seat from the factory. They can look a little dirty if not kept on top of - but this is just leather maintenance and conditioning that should be done anyway. The colourant did come off slightly revealing the black on a couple of areas that your clothing rubs against whenever you get in/out of the car, but this is very easily touched up with a paintbrush and doesn't need touching up again for a good few months, maybe even longer depending on how much you use the car. My first attempt was with a sponge and that looked awful I'd definitely recommend investing in a half decent airbrush to apply the colour and sealant, it gives a finish that is 100 times better than applying with the sponge. I'll take some pics of my seats at the weekend so you can see how a light colour has 'weathered' after two years use. It certainly hasn't just rubbed off like some thought it would. Take your time and do it right first time (unlike I did)
  20. 14N


    Awww, cheers Matt Looking at your leak Leeroy I doubt it's the same as mine was (although the volume of water sounds similar)! I've answered your PM with how I solved mine, but I think there's more useful info in the thread Matt linked to and some of the links within that with the stuff I found and tried. Good luck!
  21. If you've got a set of strut brace spacers that aren't needed/wanted, I'd be interested in 'em.
  22. 14N

    n1 front lip

    Complete front bumpers are interchangeable between all models/years. The N1 front lip you originally looked at is also available for the facelift bumper. A quick look on eBay returned some. I'm sure the GT lip and Mines style are also available for the facelift and maybe some of the others styles too.
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