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Posts posted by 14N

  1. To the OP (player). Which West Way Nissan dealer did you take your car to?


    I have just discovered I'm suffering from the same issue (also an 04 car) and noticed that you are in the West Mids (Walsall). Is it worth reporting to the same dealer if it gives us more chance of a positive result?

  2. Called in last night at a well known brand of supermarket petrol station that sell 99RON super unleaded and put in my usual weekly amount of £70. Went to pay and there was a small queue (5-6 people) and asked for my pump when I got to the till.


    The cashier tapped away on her touch screen, looked confused, tapped away a bit more and then “somebody’s already paidâ€.


    “I’m sorry, what do you mean?†I asked.


    “Someone has paid for your fuel. Are you sure you have the right pump?â€


    “Yeah, the grey 350Z over there†pointing to my car.


    “Yeah, someone’s paid for that pumpâ€


    At this point a queue was starting to form again and to cut the story short, I had to stand to the side and wait till the queue died down, so we could see which pump remained unpaid, so I could settle ‘their’ bill (which I was okay with as long as it was less than £70).


    Turns out they only put £35 of fuel in their car, equalling half price fuel for me! Yay! :yahoo:


    So, not only did they fail to notice and give their correct pump number, when asked to enter their card and check the amount, they also failed to notice the cost had doubled. :bangin::bang:


    Just means I missed out on £35 worth of Clubcard points. Dammit.

  3. Went out last night for my nephew's 6th birthday party at Pizza Hut :yahoo: (we had cake and everything)


    He had a few similary aged friends with him and we were invited back to my sister's (his mum's) for a drink afterwards. I beat the couple of people carriers full of kids and their respective parents back to the house and a few of the kids jumped out of the cars and started looking at my Zed.


    As I'd beaten them to the house, they'd instantly come to the conclusion it was 'mega fast' and a couple (including my nephew) asked "Is it a Ferrari"?


    "Haha, no, I wish" was my reply. I missed a trick there. If I'd said it was, my nephew would of returned to school next week informing everyone that his uncle has a Ferrari. :lol:

  4. :lol: That is BRILLIANT!!


    I'm not sure if that switch does anything mate, in fact, I don't think I care! I'll say it again, that is BRILLIANT!! B):#1:


    I think in my pre-facelift though, I'd give it about 5 minutes before I got fed up of knocking it with my left elbow :lol:

  5. Cheers Wasso. I thought it may have been for the roadster roof, but I'm sure I saw somewhere (when browsing thru the handbook) that the switch for this was located some where else.


    I could of imagined this fact though, and more than likely be wrong :bang:


    I'm sure a roadster owner will be along soonn to confirm or deny....


    Didn't realise it was on the facelift too though.

  6. Hi guys,


    Apologies if this has been asked (and answered) before, but curiosity has got the better of me and I just had to ask.


    Does anyone know what the third switch/blank (next to the 2 heated seat switches) on a pre- facelift car is used, and/or intended for? Does anyone with a JDM import have any additional OEM toys that are connected to this switch?


    Has anyone put this blank to good use and put a switch to something else in its place?



  7. I can see this turning into a MOTOGP thread :lol::thumbs:


    I do like watching Casey Moaner ride, he is a bit of a misery guts off the bike though. I think he may be back in a year or 2. Hope so anyway. The grid needs riders like him, well his skill anyway.


    Yeah, it was a loooong time ago! I remember walkning round the paddock looking for him all day, clutching his helmet (ooer), then my mate saw him chatting to a couple of girls in a hospitality tent. It was when he had his massive Simoncelli-esque hair do :lol: The sun/moon was his current helmet at the time - that's how long ago it was!


    I do think Bradley is struggling a lot this year. Bet Hervé Poncharal is kicking himself a bit. Redding might have been a better choice going on this year's performance.


    Although most of the factory rides have been filled and signed now, there are still a number of outstanding questions. The upcoming weeks will soon tell.

  8. Just thought I'd drop a note in here as a MOTOGP fan. I'd only found this off topic discussion group today :teeth:


    Been a fan of Rossi's since the 90's and his 125 days. I wore his first AGV sun and moon helmet on my bike until he signed it at the day of champions. Good excuse to buy a new lid then. :lol:


    It's a difficult one. I think Rossi has had his finest hour(s), and I'm not sure a championship wil be his before he retires. I'm certain he wwill win races again on the Yam though.

    I'm gonna miss Casey next year, he has an undeniable talent on the bike and a unique 'ride it like you stole it' style. I'm also a fan of Lorenzo's, especially as he's nmatured since he 'stroppy era'.


    It's a shame Cal isn't going to be on the factory Duke, as I think he'd of liked wrestling the beast in the same way Casey did.


    Not gonna waffle on, as I appreciate this is a VR46 thread. Whatever happens, next year is gonna be an interesting one.

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