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Everything posted by 14N

  1. I'd seriously consider getting shot of those horrible wheels. I'd be willing to swap my standard GT spec 18's with you, just to help a fellow forum member out.
  2. 14N

    GT without rays

    I do kinda agree with you there Kyle. I've always thought my standard GT wheels looked bigger than the RAYS, they don't seem to need the spacers (as much) either. Having said that, I still want a set of RAYS.
  3. "The Old Man"? Most members have a more affectionate name for their Zed.
  4. Heat guns at dawn... Although my girlfriends purple hair dryer may not quite have the same impact. Be warned, after completing, re-fitting and then admiring your wrapped door handles, you WILL sit in the drivers seat, take a look around the interior and think; "Hmmmm, what else can I do"?
  5. Cheers, they're only the 2nd thing I've done. It's quite easy and straightforward. There are plenty of 'how to' guides online and YouTube. You just need patience and a hair dryer. Pick some cheap stuff up from eBay (less than £5 will get you decent sized sheet) and experiment. The passenger side is easy peasy and would be a good starting point. Don't forget to show us your results too Your finished results look spot on though. Good job
  6. After seeing a number of very nice Zeds at the West Mids meet this weekend, I felt the need to do 'something' to my car, so I decided to wrap my door handles in carbon vinyl (plus I'm pants at spraying anything). Easy enough to do, just take your time
  7. Glad you had a good trip. Thanks for sharing
  8. FUG, any pics of your wrapped number plate mounting bracket? I've thought about doing mine as I've a few off cuts of vinyl that might be enough to do the job. Just be interested to see how it looks. Cheers
  9. 14N

    Rock n' Roll

    Ive always been aware that Robert Plant lives locally and is often seen out and about in the town centre. However I learnt something else about him today - He drives a 350Z! A friend came to visit today a brought her partner. Meeting them at my front door he said "Nice car, Robert Plant's got one of those. Same colour too". Are you on here Mr Plant?
  10. I know it’s not the same, but the principle idea for fabrication would be similar…. I made a rear seat delete kit for my TT. I used cardboard to mock up a template and then used some MDF as Matt says. Just keep cutting the cardboard till you get it right. I then covered it with acoustic carpet (readily available on eBay). Whole lot cost me about 20 quid. Audi want over £1000 for their version!! Thankfully it highlighted that I really didn’t need rear seats and I ended up buying a proper car…
  11. 14N

    Blue 350Z ?

    Well according to Nissan's own 350Z brochure, there were 6 colours available for my particular year. They are: Sunset, Gun Metal, Chili Pepper, Silver, Kuro Black and, wait for it... Azure.
  12. Nice! A Fiesta ST as a Hand-me-down! I bet he can't wait till you decide to get rid of the Zed Congrats on the new purchase
  13. Thank you all for your responses and sample pics. I really appreciate it. They've been very helpful.
  14. Cheers Neil. They are some pretty fancy settings that can make Skegness look like that.....
  15. Brilliant responses (and quick too). Thank you soooo much guys, very much appreciated. I've learnt a lot already! Thanks again
  16. Hi All, I'm after a new camera and have noticed that even with a very limited budget, I'm spoilt for choice. I don't really know anything about them, but I do know that a fair few of you guys do. I'm after a compact point and press jobbie. Something I can just chuck in my pocket and whip out as and when necessary. My basic understanding is that the higher the megapixel, the better, but I don't really understand what "10x digital and 5x optical zoom" means as well as all the other tech jargon. What should I be looking for? With a budget of say £70-£80, do you guys have any recommendations? I figure this should still get me a half decent camera right? Cheers, Ian
  17. As title. Saw a GM 350Z Coupe (UK rear bumper) on the Hagley Rd island this morning about 08:35. I was waiting to enter the island and you drove past in front of me heading towards Birmingham. Anyone?
  18. Ooo I do like that. Looks How about painting the vertical 'side' parts GM and paint or wrap the horizontal blades in black or carbon wrap? Then do the roof in the same wrap to tie it all together nicely? Also reminds me: Q. What is the most common owl in the British Isles? A. A Teat Owl
  19. 14N

    Helmet wanted

    I can't stress what has been said above enough. Spend the most you can afford - you only get one head. I can speak from personal experience (bike not car). Even though I know what size I am, some helmets just don't fit. Personally Arai fit me perfectly, but the same size Shoei just is uncomfortable and doesn't fit at all. I had a huge accident on my bike and basically flew over a flatbed truck to land on my head. My Arai saved me from serious head injury or possibly worse. I only ever wear Arai after that. I'd visit my local bike dealer, try on as many lids as possible, make a note of the one you like, then do a bit of online shopping to search for deals.
  20. No they don't come with a spoiler/wind deflector. Mine are still performing well and I can't really fault them, especially for the money. The only time I've found they've squeaked, is when the windscreen is virtually dry, but it's only a quite squeak and to be expected with a dry ish screen.
  21. I'm now waiting for a roadster owner to tell us how they like showing their ride off in public with her top off
  22. Brilliant Sounds like a challenge - chuck us her keys....
  23. Is it worth finding out how much this 'possible major engine work' will cost you first - you will then know your budget for tyres. Also, isn't it worth getting this work done first if it is major? Bit pointless having new boots on your Zed if it's gone up in a cloud of smoke.
  24. You read the stories?
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