The hand grab was the difficult bit. I used a couple of pieces on mine, with a very slight overlap on the top edge which can't really be seen once you've finished..
This maybe difficult to explain via text, but here goes (bear with me).
If you look at the grab handle from above, with the 2 longer sides on the left and right (shorter edges top and bottom). I wrapped the top, left, bottom (and very bottom) of the grab handle first and cut around the top edge, just so it overlapped onto the top surface by a few mm. I did this first before applying the 'main' wrap. With the main piece in place, I then cut the opening for the handle on the 3 sides I'd previously wrapped, leaving a wrap 'flap' attached to the right hand side (facing you when in the car). I then used this to cover the remaining side of the handle.
You can just make out the join in this pic.
Hope this helps a little Steve. I'm no expert and I wouldn't claim it was a brilliant job, but I'm happy with the result.