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Everything posted by Builder49

  1. Welcome to the club... Couldn't upload pics myself either at first, but the guys on here are great. Someone will talk you through it.
  2. Looks like Easter might come early for me! Navara has less than a quarter of a tank (17lts), does 7 miles to the litre, I'm renovating a house 21 miles from home so have enough fuel for Friday only...... Both local garages have queues 30 minutes long, so they will soon be empty of fuel. So basically Easter starts this Saturday Could go to work in the Zed, but limit to how many bags of cement I can carry...... Reckon I could get 2 bags of cement into a golf bag, so definitely can carry 4 bags worth And by following the instructions on the lid I can get them loaded easily too Ha Ha. I say make fuel £5 a litre, then some of the muppets might actually try using their legs instead of cluttering up the road (on the school run in a poxy Range Rover, 200 yards from their house!). Then with less cars on the road they can legalise faster driving as the roads will be emptier !!!!!
  3. Spotted 2 different 350's in Hitchin, Hertfordshire today. A gunmetal on a 54 plate, and Black on an 07 plate. Didn't wave as I was driving the Navara and didn't want them thinking I was simple !!!!
  4. Builder49


    Thanks for the compliment. Actually she's a bit grubby, just been to the garage and they left a few nasty hand prints on the bonnet and wheels. Must clean her at the weekend. As for the 'Wheels' comment. Good point! I like the look of RAYS, but fancy something in Black, plus priority is new tyres and discs/pads all round. All of this to be done in the next week or two.
  5. Builder49


    The company truck one is great..... Helps that the company initials are mine... X8PRK would look good though where they're side by side, lol
  6. Builder49


    OOOPs yeah I did... Or im dreaming already of a 370 ! How do I move it?
  7. How do you do the wheels like that?They look fantastic
  8. Only been a member 2 weeks... spend every damned evening on here ! Daft thing is I don't even understand half the stuff you guys write !!!!!!! But I'm learning fast
  9. Builder49


    Option to purchase the adjoining plate to match her big brother...... What do you think?
  10. Stupid idea He's better off than me....
  11. Took my 21 year old son out for a drive in the Zed yesterday afternoon, he absolutely loved it and openly admitted he was jealose ! Now informs me he has been looking at 350's for a while and really wanted one, but in his words, 'THERES NO WAY I CAN HAVE THE SAME CAR AS MY DAD!!' Whats the general feeling on this? I said, 'Don't be daft, get what you want'. But he is now saying 'No way'. Is it acceptable or not to have the same car as your Father? PS, It's his loss if he doesn't, because they are fantastic.
  12. admittedly waxing can be fun And define hoovering !!!
  13. I hear this also the correct path to take with females of the species... Word of advice......... Don't try hooveringing or waxing a female....Had my fair share of wives, they tend not to like it!!!!
  14. Makes a change from lamb i guess !
  15. Fair point, but mine was just over £100, lasted 11 years, never serviced and always outside and still started first pull everytime. Imagine if it had been serviced? Might still be working As for Franke sinks... Just cos B&Q sell them, doesn't mean they are now rubbish !!!
  16. Bought a basic petrol mower from HOMEBASE 11 years ago. It cost me £110 at the time and was a rotary cut (same as a flymow) but obviously on wheels with a petrol engine. Engine is a BRIGGS & STRATTON. I have a pretty large lawn. It takes about 30 minutes to cut front and back. Lawn mower was never serviced in the whole of its 11 years, stood outside uncovered all year round, and never even had the blade sharpened....... It finally gave up the ghost last October in a puff of thick black smoke. So been up to HOMEBASE today, and they have an almost identical model, with same engine as the last one, on sale at £129 reduced from £199. Going back with the pickup tomorrow to buy it. (dont think it will fit in the Zed, lol) Can't recommend it highly enough. Certainly wont be buying a Hayter, or Qualcast, as they basically have the same motor but are £400+. Good luck. Paul
  17. Took her in yesterday for a post purchase check over with my local little garage, just to make sure there were no major issues I should be going back to the independant dealer to argue over ! Couple of points were highlighted, Tyres being the main one but I already had that covered. Basically everything ok but he did suggest new discs and pads before too much longer. He also said the 'Ancillary drive belts are cracked and perished' and should be replaced sooner rather than later. As a complete no hoper when it comes to car maintenance, Is this something I should be putting in his hands, and if so how much should I be expecting it to cost for parts and for labour? Any advice as always is gratefully received. Also if anyone knows what I should expect to pay for discs and pads (she is un-modified from original spec as far as I can tell), then again I'd be very happy for your imput. Cheers peeps. Paul.
  18. Too cheeky. Possibly why I'm single again !
  19. We have at least one couple that I know of who mett through the forum and now have children too I'm too old to start with kids again, getting rid of one this year, but must admit I've cut the cost of her wedding back so I could buy the Zed. LOL
  20. Wonders if there should be a dating section in this forum????? (obviously so different cars can meet each other )
  21. Welcome Annie If it makes you feel any better, I'm male and don't know anything either, but the guys on here give great advice when asked and are always polite even to a complete numpty like myself. Forum and members
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