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Everything posted by Builder49

  1. Is Twobears going? I think everyone wants to meet her...... Seriously though, maybe she should put up a face pic? Obviously us older guys wont want to do that though
  2. As another new boy, I'd like to add my thanks for your hard work to all the other messages... Amazing how much this place is missed when It can't be accessed? Didn't even miss my Mrs this much when she left !!! Top work everyone
  3. Just checked the viewtopic.. Looks interesting. I assume newbies are welcome and that newbie numpties will be facilitated? I'll check my social diary tomorrow. How many you got confirmed so far? And do most go up on the Friday? Is an old stock06 acceptable? LOL
  4. Not sure where to post this thread, so if I got it wrong I apologise. Fairly new owner and been on here about a month now.. You seem like a top bunch of guys, and although I'm a complete numpty where mechanics are concerned, I've already learned a lot from reading your posts and your feedbacks Had to do a few things to my 350 already, but no mods yet (although I'm sure its just a matter of time). What I'd like to know is if there are any members local to me in Bedfordshire? I'm located right off the A1 and would love the opportunity to meet more experienced owners and pick up some tips and see their cars. If anyone is interested, maybe we could arrange something? Paul.
  5. I hesitate to ask 'HOW?' Should we even go down this road? Am I just being naive? And surely no one is that desperate?
  6. Yes it's 'in-store' too...Picked up some Megs tyre gel and was sent back by the till girl to get any other chemical I wanted..... I hate snap decisions ! Got some alloy cleaner (think I panicked). At least she pointed out the offer... Full marks to her Be careful if you got alloy wheel cleaner with any strong chemicals in it the Rays don't like them Cheers Dave. Unfortunately my little girl isnt wearing pretty Rays, she came wearing the standard clogs, which I quite like for now
  7. Tried and failed. I'll vouch for internet dating.... worked a treat, although there was one woman in St Albans!!!****!!! (well lets just say I wish I'd owned the Zed on that date!)
  8. Yeah, Quidco is worth it for that.... works on Cineworld too (everytime my ex goes with her new fella, I get paid 83p) LOL.
  9. Yes it's 'in-store' too...Picked up some Megs tyre gel and was sent back by the till girl to get any other chemical I wanted..... I hate snap decisions ! Got some alloy cleaner (think I panicked). At least she pointed out the offer... Full marks to her
  10. A Basement and chains are your friend. or an inexpensive lawyer!!!! Any on here? Zed rates
  11. Welcome along Lots of nice people on here to help you
  12. If they're blue, but on an Astra, can't you outrun them???
  13. Oi, I have a brand new Navara, they're good. But then I need mine for work Fully loaded, every conceivable goody. 193BHP for a pickup is ok you know!!! Luckily I have the Zed for weekends
  14. Been married 3 times, so really shouldn't have a type? Not skinny but not fat for me... I like some meat on the bone and a few curves in the obvious places.. Historically I've chosen women between 5'3" and 5'6" although I'm 6ft. I've always preferred brunettes, although as I'm now single again (!!!!) I am finding myself drawn towards blondes? Nice legs, nice bum and breasts that aren't too big. Petite I guess would be the best description. But given the choice it would come down to finding a woman with intelligence, humour, average/good looks, and if I can find one that can stay faithfull that will be a bl**dy bonus !!!!!
  15. I've had to curb my urges for a bit of Will Young on the CD, left me wanting to paint her pink and back into things !!!!! Just think about it !!!!!!!
  16. I know one thing.... they look nice with a bit of tyre gel on them
  17. Sorry to go off topic..... I need a new electrician, mine just emigrated, where are you based? lol
  18. Cheers for the advice Neil. Had discs and pads too so wont be running at any speed for a few miles anyway Yep matey just take it easy for the first few miles. Remember not to stop at lights and keep your foot on the brakes if they're hot. It can leave pad material stuck to the discs and cause a judder feeling when braking Can I stop if the lights are red?????
  19. Tyres are Falken 452's on Manufacturers standard rims. Discs and pads I dunno, I trust my guy and he said they are to Nissan original spec, whatever that might mean? Only drive as a weekender, not a daily as I have the Navara for that, so figured I didn't need anything flash???? Right or wrong on that? Will check out the viewtopic link.. Thanks to both of you
  20. Welcome to the forum. Im not far away, the otherside of Bedford, we should all try to arrange a local meet, not had a chat with any other owners yet !!!
  21. Hi guys. Had new tyres all round, plus discs and pads fitted today. How long would you recommend for bedding in all new components? Also had new Auxillary belts fitted, anything I should be aware of with that? As usual, new owner appreciating your advice and assistance Paul
  22. Cheers for the advice Neil. Had discs and pads too so wont be running at any speed for a few miles anyway
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