First things first. If the soil stack terminates in the loft and doesn't go out through the roof, then that could result in a smell. Easiest fix in this case is to fit an Air Intake/Ventilator Valve to the top of the stack (DURGO VALVE)
If this doesn't stop the smell check all waste pipes from the different suite pieces to check that joints etc are properly made.
In cases where there is no soil stack, or the stack is blocked (people sometimes do this???) then the trap in the wash basin will sometimes syphon itself as air is drawn into the system when the toilet is flushed or the bath is emptied.
In this case you can buy air intake basin traps from a decent builders merchant.
Age and postcode seem to be the main advantage?
Was quoted £238 for fully protected insurance on mine. That was with Directline.
Then when I rang them to pay they told me it would be £878 as I couldn't use no claims discount on more than 1 vehicle (I'm not stupid, I knew that) so told them I had more than one company vehicle and would take one off the road to use that discount, back to £238.
Then they queried all the vehicles (even though all my insurance is with them) and said as I was a builder the cost would rise to £570.
Proved I own the company, insured the car with occupation listed as 'Company Director', back down to £251.
Threatened to move all vehicles to another company and was offered an additional 5% discount across the lot so long as I re-insured next year, priced guaranteed not to rise.
Final payment for 1 years insurance was amaizingly, £238 as per the original online quote!!!
I normally just look across as they rev their little engines, shake my head slowly and mouth to them 'why are you even bothering' as I shrug my shoulders.....
Even had an idiot in a RangeRover sport pull right up my a**e on the A1 today, so I slid alongside a transit van doing just under 70 and turned the cruise control on !! Longest 2 miles he has driven I suspect? LOL
Hi guys.
Think I might be up in the Chester/Liverpool area this weekend. Anyone local to that area fancy meeting for a pint and a chat? Plus I'd get to look at another Zed which I've not had the opportunity to do yet!
Mate, I'm skipper of a coastal towing tug that's been sat in Swansea since October with no work.
Trust don't know what boredom is!
Fair point !!!!
What you need to do is spend you time thinking up stupid threads !
As the Easter break is nearly over, how about a bit of fun?
How many parts are there on a ZED that relate to Easter?
I'm not very mechanically minded, so here are a couple to get it going...... Just add to the list if there are any more??
1, EGGshaust.
2, CROSS strut.
Lets be fair, they even sit wrong to watch TV !!! How can you possibly sit with your legs curled up underneath you and have proper safe control of a cup of tea, hob knob biscuit and the remote control????
Actually they shouldn't have the remote control !!!
With the car thing, my Ex always said it was she had correct posture and I slouched !!! (I've learned after so many wives that some arguments you just can't win)
Is this turning into a gay forum?
Firstly Twobears goes on about possibly moving to Hebden Bridge and not being a girlie girl, now glrnet is saying this >>>>>>>>>
Hey guys, I did say 3 things.
Lots of tech stuff being chosen.
Amazing no one has mentioned anything really personal, other than photo's once !
Oh and apologies, I did say cats, so looks like I'm gunna have to leave one behind !!!
Go Wes....... I'm searching for No 4
And I've just got home from Saracens having seen them thrashed by Claremont
Claremont were bloody brilliant to be fair !
Looking to replace the original Bose system and ideally want something with DAB, Satnav, CD and possible to facilitate reversing camera.
Any suggestions?
Cheers in advance,
In the unlikely event of a major disaster at home, what 3 things would you grab and save? (family is a given, or maybe it isn't?)
Mine would be ;
1, Cashbox, which holds passport, driving license etc.
2, Car.
3, Cats.