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Everything posted by Builder49

  1. Is there a video of this, and I hope you're dressed !!!!
  2. What a fantastic pic, born in 63 so too late for that, got to say though that my FS1E was just as cool in its day (or at least I thought so after walking for 16 years)
  3. Worse sound than that is imagining the sound of keys cutting right through to the metalwork........ 2 weeks ago some little scrote did the bonnet on my new Navara!!!!!!
  4. I drive both a Zed and a Navara, And I'd like to take this opportunity to say it definitely wasn't me in the vehicle!!!!! I aint clever enough to record on an ipod!
  5. Makes you realise, no matter how miserable your life might feel at any given point, there are always others worse off!!! Thoughts for all those who knew him .
  6. More Glam rock than rocker or mod, but by the time I could legally drive I'd have had to have been a punk......... I wasn't !!!
  7. I like it too and I'm not wearing anything ... special Too much info ATTAK Z
  8. So based on the answers so far I'm second oldest Under the big 50 at least Anyway, age is just a number ! Just interesting how people can be perceived, had a few of you down as older than me ! Won't say who though,
  9. I'm free (thats to please our Building inspector friend who seems to think im after anything in a skirt!!!,,, Not you SMD)
  10. Have you ever guessed at other forum members ages based on their threads... Some of the regulars on here I've thought of as being in the older bracket, then they happen to mention their work and suddenly I think they are younger! I realise age is irrelevant, it's just weird how people are perceived ! For the record, I have Zugara, SMD and Will, up in my area, but I'm probably completely wrong ! Paul. Oh and Twobears, I'm not even prepared to guess as she is female and I wouldn't wish to risk offending her, she would just analyse me and rip me to shreds! (got her as older than Squee though )
  11. Slightly unfair.... Getting ladies isn't an issue... keeping them is though
  12. I think we all have issues at certain points in our lives, and the circumstances that surround us at that particular time obviously bring out certain feelings or conditions. I also believe that some people are quick to jump on the bandwagon and make money out of our issues! During my recent separation from my wife (not the first time this has happened) I agreed to go to counselling as I was desperate for us to stay together (she wasn't, but thats a different story). The counsellor, after 6 sessions @ £80 a time decided I was a sex addict, based on the fact that I thought once a week wasn't enough, and that I wasn't happy with my wife meeting a 'FRIEND' for drinks etc....... Needless to say the cousellor was a woman! On leaving that session she commented ' I don't think you'll stay together while you are that over demanding in the bedroom department, or so jealose over your wife going out with this other man'!! At that point I started wondering who had mental health problems..... her for being so blatently weird and an obvious man hater, my wife for imagining any other man could be better than me, or me for paying £480 over to be told all that crap!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Have to ask though.... when you'd done your good deed, was your luck srtill in?
  14. Just got in from work and thought I'd catch up. Just so you all know if you've been sitting in all night on this forum, it's Friesian outside, I might need to get a Jersey? It really Angus me when you lot play along with twobears, its all Udder rubbish! Personally I can't be Bovined, its just a load of old Bull.
  15. Seriously Rich, This is a great site and really helpful people on it, so enjoy Read your thread earlier this evening. Please assure your girlfriend that I'm seriously not interested in anyone with a p*nis And unfortunately all the women on here appear to be taken
  16. Now thats what I call an introduction!!! Im Paul, I'm Pisces, and I like being my own boss! (If this site has just switched to a dating site, can I state for the record I'm heterosexual!) Seriously Rich, This is a great site and really helpful people on it, so enjoy
  17. LOL. The heat generated by the ingredients stimulates certain part (male and female), just don't leave oit on as long as I did ! What can I say? I was young and experimental, and it was my girlfriends request..... I'm now older, more experienced and don't need to experiment.... And in the future I don't think STERIDENT will have the same effect?????
  18. Rosie sure does look sweet... Only had a 350 for a month and Rosie already inspires me to want a 370 too... Must admit though the shininess of the cars always reflects back on the photographer..... so I'm assuming that isn't ET in pic 6? If it is then the little bugger got in my pics too.. Lovely car Will. Paul.
  19. Still voting for my Bat being the weirdest!! The Bl**dy thing was alive and flying around my kitchen. God knows how it was caught, they were only kittens at the time? Must have been a lucky leap in the air and hit it by mistake?? Have to admit, I wasn't keen on catching it to throw it out (but I did), didn't really know if they bite, squeal, scream, hit you with a knuckle-duster, or what? Turns out they squeak and sit in your hand with their little hears racing. Quite sweet, but bl**dy ugly facially.
  20. Dan Brown has a lot to answer for !!!!
  21. lovely looking Zed, and brilliant photography
  22. Im slightly concerned that Geoffs mouse ate a kilo of haribo, and TwoBears could take the paracetamol tablets out of their little foil cases !!!! Are these a new breed of super mice, bent on overthrowing the human race? And out of interest, whats the weirdest thing a cat has brought in? One of mine caught a Bat, which I had to catch in the kitchen and release back into the wild. I've also had a Moorhen, and Frogs !!!!
  23. [img][/img] Why am I imagining this? Two bears I feel you are using us as your personal guinea pigs....... Not that I've noticed anyone complaining
  24. I find these to be strangely alluring, although as a builder they are totally unsuitable as they are not 'toetectors'!
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