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Everything posted by Builder49

  1. With my limited experience of this forum I think it runs extremely well. In all enviroments control is needed, and it seems to me thart it is handed out fairly? Obviously as a new guy here I don't have any knowledge of the longer threads you mention, with the riskier banter, and I'm sure they were fun (we all like a laugh) but this is a mixed and open forum and so standards need to be set. Just cos I'm a builder it doesn't mean I go round all day effing and swearing, and I don't necessarily want to hear it either! Seems to me that certain people may have had issues here, and it's fair they should be sorted to everyones satisfaction, but surely as an open forum if you have a complaint you just raise it to discussion or PM the team???? BTW Neil I'm not knocking you for raising this at all..... it's been a really interesting discussion, and lets be honest here, it's been moderated well too, after all I dare say they could easily close the thread? LOL I say keep up the good work, keep up the ideas, and I think we all agree that this is a great site
  2. Like i said earlier, not been here long, but this forum runs well already, and judging by Chesterfield's statement (which I take to be true), a lot of people do a lot of hard work at their own time and expense. So if you want to put it to the vote, then I for one say 'all existing get my vote'!!!!
  3. Im wondering what the issues with the Mods are? Admittedly I've only been on the forum a few weeks, but I've never had an issue with MOD censorship. I admit a certain few jump in with comments like 'read previous thread' or 'the search button is your friend' but they have to moderate loads of messages and this must be bloody hard work? I'm all for democracy, but in a way I also believe 'if it aint broke, don't fix it'!! Maybe some new blood is a good idea, but elections on a short term basis will surely only lead to a lack of continuity within the forum? Just my two pennies worth...........
  4. Cheers guys, either of you two do the burgers or centre caps?
  5. There are some right bar stewards on here but the mods keep them under control Only had one guy on here that was a bit 'short' with me on the first couple of days I was on the forum. Wont name names as he has been ok since. Think he doesnt like newbies as I've notice the same shortness with other a couple of times !!!! Anyway hes been ok since LOL A few of the regulars have made me feel very at home though. (of course as I'm male, and extremely straight, I don't quite get the attention Twobears gets )
  6. Parts have started arriving, and once they are all here styling mods will commence.. New blackened out rear lights arrived yesterday. Been informed by my MOT guy they would be street legal but additional rear reflectors need fitting to keep the police off my back! So i'll get a couple fitted either side of the rear numberplate. N1 spoiler just ordered from ZMANALEX (thanks for the recommendations from you all) Top guy and good price A few minor scratches need touching in when the new spoiler is sprayed and fitted. The wheels and the brake disc centres and going to be painted in ANTRACITE (only contrast I could think of that should look good against the black paintwork). Will also be spraying the door handles to match the wheels. Zed burgers to be fitted front and rear to replace the NISSAN burgers. Zed centre caps too hopefully, again in ANTRACITE to match the wheels. The centre of the rear boot strut is looking a bit scratched, so I'm thinking this in ANTRACITE too with the 'Z' symbol remaining silver. Doing the wheel work on the original OEM alloys to see if the look is ok? then can upgrade the wheels at a later date if necessary. Not sure how the whole BLACK/ANTRACITE thing is going to look. Time to bite the bullet and see!!!! Pics will obviously follow at some point......... Watch this space. Paul.
  7. Dont wanna seem ignoranty (but I am, as some others are I'm sure, so I'll take the hit for the team!) Whats a troll? And can we have the custard test please
  8. I'll get half a card next year !!! Got to say the age mix really works well on here, and as of yet I've only heard from polite and helpful people.. So refreshing
  9. excellent reading... Bet you prefer the honesty on here ATTAK Z?
  10. Thanks Buster Even more undecided now Nice to see the blacked out lights.. Once mine are fitted on a black car I reckon they should look Have you had MOT issues with them?
  11. Can I stress, I'm not her builder chap!!!!!
  12. Anyone got a pic of the N2 on their car? N1 does look damned nice though.. Debated colouring it and buying coloured wheels, then I woke up !!!!!
  13. Finally started the mods on my 350. New blackened rear lights arrived today and will be fitted soon (pics to follow at some point). Next mod is hopefully a spoiler? I like thre look of the N1, but not sure what an N2 looks like? Any recommendations on where to look and purchase, or indeed how much one would be? Having trawled the forum it does appear that you have to be careful of replica spoilers! Am I right in thinking the new ones fit over the OEM boot spoiler/lip thing? Anyway, thanks in advance for your help. Paul. Oh yeah, got my eye on a black carbon stubby, anyone got one fitted? Do they work ok? Cheers.
  14. I'm appealling against your decision twobears! Firstly, like me, you're new here so had no previous knowledge of Squee's housepoint system, making you inelligible to deduct. Secondly, I was right, you are older. Thirdly, I'm sure you only look 27
  15. 10 housepoints to Builder49! I'm 28. Not for too much longer though S. PS - great pic JetSet (Pete) - where was it taken? Yay, I have housepoints Can these be redeemed for anything? Although I'm sure twobears will give me -10 housepoints for saying she is older !
  16. I'm not too old to learn Do they crack at that heat though?
  17. You can buy fired kiln bricks if you like but you'd be paying a damned good price for them! A standard brick will do the job fine (look in the majority of house chimney's) but a standard brick wouldn't stand up to direct flame like a kiln brick would. As this is only a bbq , possibly with a chimney, the intencity shouldn't be too great. I would consider a mortar with a measure of lime in it though, as this allows expansion of the mortar when heated whereas traditional OPC wouldn't. Not too much lime though or you'll not withstand the effects of rain. Standard bricks, if I paid much more than £25 per hundred i wouldn't be able to afford a ZED.
  18. Weekend car..... but 'presents' coming! Zeditis seems to win eventually, think its almost compulsary?
  19. Two days, two men, 100 bricks !!!!! Bloody hell that was some good beer !!!
  20. My sincere sympathies TB. Over SMD offering his giggleO services I do agree with the pain thing on toothache as I cracked my cap in half 10 days ago and still waiting for the new one to be fitted! Trouble is the tooth stump only has a temporary cover fitted and the nerve endings are still live The real pain though is the bill............ £408, for a poxy bit of enamel, or whatever they use !!!!! I'd have it out but I might look a bit like a redneck... (checked shirt and red baseball cap required, can someone search ebay for me?) SMD, feel free to post up a suitable picture, you know you want to!!!
  21. Bear in mind that standard bricks and standard mortar will burn out over time! Also you do realise the bricks aren't included in that ebay cost?
  22. Twobears is a happily married woman Stew.
  23. Lol, it would be safe to view, just bored and reacting to your comments... SMD's comp would be the interesting one me thinks ????
  24. Think I need to get my head cleaned out !!!! Or stop living alone !!!
  25. Is there a video of this, and I hope you're dressed !!!! This is in my head now !!!
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