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Everything posted by Builder49

  1. Lol, I'd forgotten this thread was about the colour..... thought it was Hannah's dating page?
  2. Badges are all in black now And the rear strut is........ Like I say, gives you an idea how things can look.
  3. By the way guys. I wasn't the groom
  4. Latest modification thats always worth considering CHAMPAGNE Please be advised........ Do not drink and drive, act responsibly, do not employ a weird guy in a suit as your chauffeur!
  5. Actually I was assuming you'd come in my room and hold my milk !!!!! I love milkshake
  6. You said you prefered older ........... Ahh well I'm heading back looking for TwoBears
  7. They would look like this....... Prepare to get mixed opinions Obviously mine isn't GM though, but I'm sure you get the idea..
  8. Hi Guys. Would love to be added to the list. Maybe he would like to come and do some building work? of course if it is 2052 when he arrives I'll be in the retirement home with TwoBears....... Hopefully she will have Parkinsons
  9. Maybe they divorced you because you were boring though....... Don't think I've ever been described as boring Stew
  10. i've hasd plenty of adventure... 3 ex wives can vouch for that !
  11. dont be jealose OJ us older guys offer experience and much much more.... you'll get there one day
  12. I will, naturally, require photographic (or indeed physical) evidence of these tight buttocks before I consent to "wife-auditions" That aside....75% own hair I can work with Hannah x And its on my head
  13. I can assure all concerned that my wonderfully tight buttocks are completely covered whilst working.... My teeth are my own, and at least 75% of my hair remains Is this wife 4 I'm sensing? Get TwoBears, she has opposition
  14. Although Hannah does look rather nice And I am older And local
  15. And for those of you that use my name in vain..... You will notice I haven't made any comments regarding the obviously lovely ladies on this forum. (well only TwoBears) Nothing personal Hannah.... I'm just proving them wrong
  16. not number 4... my daughter not me, lol
  17. Im in Biggleswade, and I have seen one of the Sandy Zeds. Not sure which one though? Sounds like we might be getting enough people for a local meet? Paul
  18. By midday tomorrow she will have 2 white stripes down the bonnet !!! Not paint, but ribbons.......... Anyone used a Zed as a Wedding car before?
  19. Give me a break guys !!!!! Enjoy the forum and watch out for muppets !!!!
  20. I'm sure its all b een covered elsewhere. Its only spraying..... Although getting the original lip off was a complete arsehole job. That Nissan bonding really works!!!
  21. More work carried out. Z on the rear strut now black Side badges Black also. Still not sure whether or not I might do all external badges Gold ?
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