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Everything posted by Builder49

  1. Be honest guys... How many of you liked this because she was in short shorts and looks nice ?
  2. Mastercars, Biggleswade. Bizarrely its described as Red, they didn't mention to me it was a 313bhp model, just described it as pretty and fast...... £12995 its on for and personally I think thats way too much? Don't suppose you're prepared to say what you got for it? Nice condition though, so you must have looked after it Paul
  3. I have the 'night blues' Hannah, and I'm only 20 miles away, wanna help me fix them? PS: don't tell Twobears I posted this Paul
  4. Sidekickdmr, your orange 350z for sale in a garage less than a mile from me. Been there for at least 15 weeks and wont budge due to the fact I think they are askinmg way too much for it Looked it over when I was looking for mine, but I wanted leather internals. Paul
  5. Builder49

    The Start

    It's a process where nylon strands are glued to plastic I think Can be done to any interior panel in lots of colours obviously a 1 way process though... Looks flocking awful...... but thats just my own humble opinion
  6. My mother-in-law doesn't even know my name I struggle to remember the names of my mother-in-laws !!!!
  7. Ian, I've PM'd Can you handle a dozen or so Zeds in one session? I'll look out for a convenient airfield...... Paul
  8. No but I'm next door to Hertfordshire
  9. How long does a decent detail take? I'm in Bedfordshire, so maybe you could do 2 at once and there would be advantages all round. Sort of a group buy Paul
  10. Harsh, but necessary with the 'cheese eating surrender monkeys'. Apologies to any nice french people on here , Oh hang on thety are French, how can they be nice? Although my brother lives over there and his friend offered 20000 Euros for my Zed, which proves they are daft too
  11. Hannah, I can't change your plugs, but then I wont charge if you bend over either (thought I'd throw this in the mix before one of the regulars implies I would anyway!!!!) Sorry Paul
  12. 25k budget, so thanks for the advice Sarnie. Anything else in that price bracket, or do I buy cheaper and do more Zeditising?
  13. Needs to be practical and to ferry about 2 kids and 2 adults. Most of the time 1 adult and 2 kids on a 24mile round trip to school twice a day. But on the occasions I might drive it I dont want a boring diesel saloon with 100bhp Obviously an M6 is over the top, but they look nice and would be lost on the company as a directors vehicle , can't exactly do that with a skoda!!! Most likely be a decent spec big engine 5 series or equivalent from Audi or maybe Mercedes, but she really wants a BMW !!!
  14. Point taken on maintenance costs and maintenance issues..... good to know too. Had Mercs and no major issues so could revert to the CL or CLS. Not keen on the Range Rover to be honest, i'm sure it's a great vehicle but as I don't live in Essex or own a farm it feels a little pointless, plus all the local gypsies have them and its become a bit of a statement vehicle in my opinion. Of course so would a M6 be 335i looks nice though, and the A5 I've liked since it was released. Only reason for a BMW is 'she' fancies one !!!! Any other advice wlcomed
  15. Opinions on all the M's would be appreciated, especially if anyone has one?
  16. Builder49

    M Series.

    Possibility I might be in need of a reliable saloon (well family) set of wheels. Was thinking I can't possibly go standard after having the Zed (which incidently I am keeping for weekends and non family outings), and so wanted something with a bit more buzz. BMW's are always going to be a safe bet I guess, but I'm thinking more like the M series versions. As I've never owned one of these models, (Always been a Merc man), I was wondering if any advise or experiences are out there I can draw on? Favouring the idea of a M6 at the moment and intend test driving one at the weekend, but would be interested on feedback on any model. Could play safe and go with an X6 but might be a bit boring? So Guys and Girls, your thoughts please. Thanks for your imput. Paul
  17. Im interested, and only up the road in Biggleswade. Away for the weekend, so unless you get a quicker bite drop me a PM on Monday Paul
  18. Well spotted...... Missed that! Great observation No missing children reported, and I can guarantee no newly laid patios as I was too involved with speeches etc Paul
  19. Looking Can I ask where you got the rear lights, they look nice, and although I love my blacked out rears I know it's only a matter of time before I get a tug by the boys in blue and I really don't think red is going to look right on mine now? Paul.
  20. in White Was it my imagination, or did SMD just get his organ out? Have to agree about space though..... How the hell do you get two golf bags in now
  21. Enjoy the forum. I'm just over the border in Bedfordshire, so what colour do we look out for?
  22. Enjoy the forum and listen to the advice, it's pretty much always good
  23. I seem to remember stories like this in 'Fiesta' about 30 years ago. And for you youngsters I dont mean Ford Fiesta
  24. Thats two off us unavailable for the dating site then Hannah And to be fair I was thinking you and me were the main attraction here for everyone else
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