So I work In car and home insurance and have been breifed about a new policy we are doing that I think everyone needs to be warned about, it is aimed at high risk driver's, no ncb bonus, points , accidents, young driver's and performance cars. So basically your premium is ment to be much lower which sounds great apart from the 3k any risk excess any accident you will be required to pay 3k excess and you have 14 days to pay it otherwise you start paying intrest on the 3k. Ok so if you want to take that policy to save yourself money then fine it's down to you.
The thing that worries me is we have been told that if this policy is cheapest at your renual then you will be put on it automatically, so the warning is people as of now I would start checking your renual docs as if you don't alot of people could be in a huge amount of s##t. I think it's discussing which is why I have posted this up for everyone to see.