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Everything posted by Pete87

  1. Yeh old style full auto's were rubbish but these new generation semi auto's are much better I also have a Audi A3 dsg and again it's a good gearbox but when you get close to the red line it changes up for you where as the 350 box lets you take it to and beyond the red line, I love my auto zed I seriously believe if everyone went out in one most people would change there opinion about the auto Zeds.
  2. I'm loving the love for the auto boxes at the moment , glad your enjoying it tho. What made you want an auto anyway?.
  3. We went to a rolling road day last month and that was around the average so I wouldn't be to worried mine only made 225.2bhp and I've got full exhaust system, air filter and plenum spacer. I wouldn't worrie to much about the numbers more that the air fuel mix is good.
  4. Good widths what about finding second hand rotas then you can go 19"
  5. Everyone must own a turbo car at some point they are so much fun, 9K will Get you a nice car what about a supra there like 326bhp standard I think and good engines in them and if looked after you prob won't loose money on it. Subaru's are abit Chavy and are renouned for engine rebuilds. If it was my 9K I would be looking at surpas, gtrs and s15's always loved the s15's but just bare in mind at 350-400 bhp it is going to be pushing that little 2.0 quite hard. Good luck with the search mate
  6. 2005 with 69k owned it 2.5 years and done 7k in it
  7. Some many people think its worthless if its an import and especially if its an auto but 95% of these people have never even been in an auto 350 I've had mine for two and a half years and love it, it has a great box in it which as you said you can change yourself and take it to the red line. As for the specs mine is basically a gt without the cruise control and the sat nav is jap but everyone says the sat nav is @*!# anyway so not really much of a problem, but mine would only be worth 25% of a uk car because of these disabilities lol
  8. Pete87

    B pillar brace

    The blue on pictured above is not sparco it's made by a company called graffiti motorsports I think I was looking at getting one a few years ago, they bolt to the seatbelt bolts and I think they bolt to the rear floor I expect wholes need drilling in the rear but they do look solid.
  9. Saw these on ebay and thought id post up incase anyone was interested in them these would look sweet with a big gay wing. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350Z-Front-Bumper-Carbon-Fibre-Double-Canard-Set-Diffuser-Spliter-Track-/201035655646?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2ecea8a9de#ht_2025wt_1190
  10. Welcome to the fourm best mods to do id say wheels, exhaust and coilovers. But in terms of performance apart from exhaust, air filter, plenium spacer and up rev without spending silly money i wouldent expect huge gains. some of us went to a rolling road day the other day all with various mods and not one of us actually made the out the factory figure.
  11. sweet i might end up doing the first one again, only problems i did have was wrapping round corners i found i ended up with a few crease marks, hopfully it will be better with heat tho.
  12. i did one the other day but rushed it abit but it didnt turn out bad but will use the hair dryer today when doing the rest.
  13. Id say stay black it breaks up the silver and makes it look meaner
  14. So I've always put real carbon products on the 350z but wanted some carbon fibre on my Audi A3 but there are no parts so I've had to go with 4D bubble less wrap, hopefully it will turn up today so was looking for some tips on how to fit it best. I'm doing some interior door trims there not a complex shape so I'm hoping they will turn out ok but any tips from you guys would be great. Thanks in advance for any replys.
  15. Pete87

    Wheel gurus

    As said nothing wrong with rolling the arches you can't see any difference, I think you will struggle not rolling your arches unless you have crazy stretch on the tyres. But then you might aswell spend £90 and get the arches rolled and proper fitting tyres.
  16. Yeh cheers about the spellings not really my fault as I'm dyslexic, and I don't really want to mention company names incase I get in trouble for it but just wanted to let everyone know, by the sounds of it it is a few company's so just watch out and I suppose if they tell you the Apr and what not there not really breaking any laws just like these vulture payday loan companies.
  17. So I work In car and home insurance and have been breifed about a new policy we are doing that I think everyone needs to be warned about, it is aimed at high risk driver's, no ncb bonus, points , accidents, young driver's and performance cars. So basically your premium is ment to be much lower which sounds great apart from the 3k any risk excess any accident you will be required to pay 3k excess and you have 14 days to pay it otherwise you start paying intrest on the 3k. Ok so if you want to take that policy to save yourself money then fine it's down to you. The thing that worries me is we have been told that if this policy is cheapest at your renual then you will be put on it automatically, so the warning is people as of now I would start checking your renual docs as if you don't alot of people could be in a huge amount of s##t. I think it's discussing which is why I have posted this up for everyone to see.
  18. Yeh I agree I thought it was good I used to have a red nova aswell lol
  19. Well I had a great day so thanks everyone and thanks Sam for organising today, was abit eventful getting my car in but I'm glad I took that wood lol.
  20. Can't wait just hope the weather is better than today
  21. Il bring some wood in the car so we can make ramps if we need to lol as I might have the same problem.
  22. Welcome to the forum looks like a nice zed.
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