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Everything posted by Pete87

  1. So I fixed an exhaust leak today and whilst that was drying I thought I'd fix my clicky rear axel. So I got the drivers side done and moved on to the passengers side followed the guide and loosened the nut level with the shaft I cut abit of wood up to protect the shaft and that split so I put some wd40 on and started hitting it again. Anyway whilst try to get the nut off I've stripped the thread on the nut and damaged the start of the driveshaft thread. So I don't know wether to take the shaft out and see if someone can use a tap n die kit to fix the thread and get a new nut or weather I'm going to have to get a used driveshaft. I'm so frustrated as I thought this was going to be a quick, cheap fix and now I'm not going to be able to go to meets over the weekend. Any advice would be great and possibly prices on parts I might need thanks.
  2. Cheers mate just i used the 3m bodytape stuff and it was fine till it got wet so one sides loose so need to take it off and find a new solution also tried side step with y current ride height with them i have just less than an inch between road and car Yeh I haven't got a lot of clearance either mate I raised the car 20mm and they still hit sometimes. But they do look sweet.
  3. Pete87

    Japspeed Backbox

    Bout an hour's labour at bout £50.
  4. You will be fine with 9.5's aswell
  5. You will be able to enjoy your aircon again now
  6. If I was you I would replace both belts as the chances are the other belt is close to snapping, go for good quality after market like gates belts rather than Nissan as they will prob rape you. Zmanalex on here sells them. I expect the belts with fitting will cost you around £60.
  7. The tensioner is on then engine it's self it's not very hard to change both belts really. But if you don't feel confident doing it I guess it would be bout half hours labour so not much.
  8. If your not going to track it and it's more for looks go for the bc's, I've got the more expencive hsd's and been really happy with them there a great bit of kit.
  9. I haven't bought those but I had some on my car when I bought it and I found some instructions how to fit them in the car they were from Taiwan I think, and they fit fine. I also bought some real carbon b pillar covers from Taiwan for £25 which fit great you can't even buy fake dipped b pillar covers on here for that money. Sometimes you just have to try your luck and hope it works out but they do look great.
  10. Pete87

    Monaro Vxr

    Being a vauxhall the quality won't be amazing but it's a corvette engine so you know it will last and it's a lot of car for the money compared to a BMW or merc. Good old simple fun.
  11. Pete87

    Monaro Vxr

    They do sound awsome I'd like one, one day. Jeremy clarkson voted it car of the year once I think.
  12. Or buy a boot divider and a cargo net, the cargo nets are great I can fit a crate of 20 under it
  13. I think it will look better once you fit your side step skirts. I'm loving the roof spoiler by the way.
  14. Ok sweet doesn't look like rocket science just waiting to find out how much the fittings are. Thanks for the pictures it's helped a great deal.
  15. Prevention is better than a cure sand the rust down and under seal her.
  16. You know what your going to have to do now, go and buy a full nismo kit and nismo wheels then people won't laugh at you. You should get a Type R badge for the other side
  17. The trade cards are great, however once I went to buy ratchet spanner set they were on offer at £40 and I used a trade card and they went up to £45 the bloke said when you use the card it cancels out the offer. So some times it works sometimes it doesn't on sale items. But for most other stuff it reduces it a lot eg bulbs £4 with card 50p.
  18. Has anyone got any pictures of how it fits please, and thanks for the replys
  19. Got one sorted now but I just need to find out how it connects to my boot and if it will fit
  20. Pete87

    Tyre Sizes

    Half an inch difference yes 12.5 mm however the wheel will poke out 6mm more as well as have 6mm less inner clearance. The half inch is spread over the whole wheel. Take a look as this it might help you understand how widths and offsets work mate. http://www.1010tires.com/Tools/Wheel-Offset-Calculator#Results
  21. Already got on off of 14N I'm talking about the parcel shelf or horizontal cover
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