So I fixed an exhaust leak today and whilst that was drying I thought I'd fix my clicky rear axel. So I got the drivers side done and moved on to the passengers side followed the guide and loosened the nut level with the shaft I cut abit of wood up to protect the shaft and that split so I put some wd40 on and started hitting it again. Anyway whilst try to get the nut off I've stripped the thread on the nut and damaged the start of the driveshaft thread.
So I don't know wether to take the shaft out and see if someone can use a tap n die kit to fix the thread and get a new nut or weather I'm going to have to get a used driveshaft. I'm so frustrated as I thought this was going to be a quick, cheap fix and now I'm not going to be able to go to meets over the weekend.
Any advice would be great and possibly prices on parts I might need thanks.