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Everything posted by Pete87

  1. It looks good any chance of some further away pictures as I'm thinking about getting one and my cars also black cheers and def get some side steps there easy to fit and look wicked. Also with the rear wiper I had some round stickers made up in black and you can hardly see where the hole used to be and it doesn't let water in.
  2. I have been thinking about running GTR-D's in a12" rear but as Stevo D said it will be a squeeze and you will have to run really stretched tyres and camber and rolled and maybe pulled arches, unless you can find over fenders but I dout you will want to use them. The safe option which still looks awsome is 19"x 9.5" front and 19"x10.5" rear both ET 20.
  3. Get some 20mm eibach spacers and it should be fine.
  4. Well done mate I've always wanted to get a car featured hopefully maybe the 350 still will after a few more mods.
  5. I'd like to see some WORK MEISTER S1 3PIECE with decent widths and et20 or grid v's in 18" or 19" they look awsome on mr2's and mx5's maybe give some other cars a chance to wear them.
  6. Let someone else enjoy her if your not using it. And I agree put it up for 8k and see what happens I'd buy it at that price and I'm sure quite a few other people would, sometimes your heart over rules your mind.
  7. Pete87

    Advice please

    They will look a lot better than standard wheels, yes your tyres will be ok and you could run spacers to get them to fill the arches better.
  8. Went and watched BDC today there are some bloody crazy cars in it but it is missing a crazy zed I can't wait to see this in action.
  9. Ok so its not for a z roadster but for my girlfriends MR2 roadster i was wondering what cleaning/ waterproofing products you use as we have never treated her roof and i want to keep the car nice. Any tips and advise would be great thanks. Im not sure what the zed roof is made from but the mr2's is like rubber.
  10. Mine sits around there when she is fully warmed up it should be higher when she is cold as the oil is thicker there for higher oil pressure. It is good having the gauge as I know when the car is warm most people go by the temp gauge but it's the oil you must wait to be up to temperature. The gauge on the right will do speed, outside temperature, amount of fuel left, average fuel consumption and a stop watch. Your gauge on the right is showing average speed and time the car has been running since last reset. You have two buttons to the left of the instrument pannel top button scrolls through different options the bottom one if you hold it resets everything.
  11. Those eBay headers look just like the japspeed ones, the manifolds are ment to take like 5 hours to fit so if I was you I would not be buying any cheap ones that are going to keep cracking. If I was you on and not wanting to spend silly money I'd do some research on manifolds.
  12. I put cosworth street master pads in the start of the year I can't comment on what they are like to other pads but they do seem very good my brakes feel great with them in.
  13. Right so I got in touch with a mate who is a truck mechanic who had just the right tools I needed luckily so today me and a mate managed to save the drive shaft thread and I got two new nuts from Nissan so all is now solved and the clicking is gone. Whilst fixing the thread we took it out of park and the handbrake off and the shaft moved in and out nicely I was so pi**ed if is taken it out of park from the start none of this would have happened but at least she is fixed. Thankyou everyone for your advice
  14. Pete87


    Good lad you know it makes sense.
  15. There is a replica but its still £800 delivered in carbon, that's my next exterior mod if I can save lol that or some carbon side steps.
  16. Side steps it looks good the splitter has grown on me at least you haven't gone the usual route. Now we both just need a top secret rear diffuser
  17. Pete87


    Very nice wheels if the offsets are high what about running them with spacers?
  18. Read through the guide on here, and was using a normal hammer lightly and that didn't work so got a bit of wood to protect the shaft and got harder and harder infill the wood split, in hind sight I should have stopped before I got angry lol.
  19. Yeh I left the nut on level with the shaft but it's still buggered the threads, I've managed to get two new nuts from Nissan so I might try and save it tomorrow. Thanks for the tips guys all much appreciated feel free to post if any other ideas crop up. I was hoping to come along to the ace cafe meet with no blowing exhaust or clicky axel but hey how these things are sent to test us.
  20. That's what I thought il have to try and find some where tomorrow, also any ideas how to get my drive shaft out its pretty stuck in there banging it is what's buggered it in the first place.
  21. Anyone have any ideas where would have a 32mm tap and die kit for example would most garages have these?
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