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Everything posted by KyleR

  1. Was an excellent show, something that could and should rival if not make Dubshed look like the Belfast Motor Show
  2. Rev matching is not required in modern vehicles for day to day driving, racing yes, going to Tesco no. It sounds like you have a worn synchromesh in 6th gear, very common problem and will cost £500+ to fix, so leave it until it becomes unbearable in more gears. The trick I found with going into 6th with a worn synchro in my old Zed was to put the car into neutral and release the clutch briefly, before putting it into 6th. 99% of the time it went in smoothly and only took an extra second. As for having "no control of the car at all" if you're coasting in neutral, I guess these people don't have brakes or steering wheels. It's fine to do if thats what your dad wants, it won't do any harm to anyone or anything, it just uses more fuel and you have to apply brakes earlier.
  3. Google for 350Z Polish spoiler and you'll probably find it.
  4. KyleR

    Nismo tyre size

    No need to go wider than 275 unless you're throwing out some serious power. The 500+HP BMW M6 only have 285's on the rear and they're more than capable.
  5. If you want quiet, just stick with OEM. The milltek is quiet, it'll be the headers and decats making the rasp
  6. Have you contacted Milltek about it? How are they to know you're not the first owner? Not that it should make any difference anyway, lifetime should be lifetime.
  7. Yes. Anything after the cats is the same on all years.
  8. There's a couple of cats around my way that love shitting in my front garden and make no effort to bury it. I can see them from my front window so I know who the wee bastards are. I'm tempted to place an order for a catapult and declare war!
  9. I'm with Paddy on this, I don't see how boring out or replacing the TB with one 5mm bigger can make a difference if the plenum inlet is still 70mm. I assume it gets modified also? Regarding HP claims by NWP, I'd ignore them, considering companies like Takeda claim up to +15hp increase with their induction kit for the 350 and K&N are the same, yet cone kits like these have actually been shown to lose power.
  10. KyleR

    Zorst Swap

    Only the person with the Nismo can answer that, but I wouldn't be swapping a Nismo for it, not unless I was selling the car and there was a wad of cash coming my way too.
  11. Absolute beast of a car. Zed goals!!
  12. Could worn bushes throw it out this much?
  13. KyleR

    Clay bars

    You don't need much to clay a car, I guess you got about 50g with the kit? If so, thats loads for a car.
  14. It took me and the mechanic around 4 hours to fit a Gemini to my original Zed, so it is possible. We ran into problems with many many bolts as they were 9 years old and seized solid.
  15. They're clearly in tyre saving mode by reducing the angle of the corner therefore putting less stress on the tyre making them last longer
  16. Loads of members have them and I've heard literally zero complaints.
  17. You can get one with similar miles that doesn't need a full respray and rust repaired for a brave bit less than £2k more.
  18. My god that paintwork is awful!
  19. I think each hinge has 2(?) bolts? Try loosening the side that needs realigned and seeing if there's any movement in it. I've never removed the bonnet, so unsure if there is.
  20. Hand brake adjuster on the front?
  21. KyleR

    Ebay Fobs?

    Aftermarket? Surely it has to be a Nissan key?
  22. They will fit no problem. Make sure they have an airbag as they may be JDM.
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