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Everything posted by KyleR

  1. I could be wrong, but I think the switches are interchangeable between facelift and non facelift. They actually just clip into the panel so you could search eBay for just the switch.
  2. Is it broken or just looking tatty?
  3. You could try Clark Motorsport for new, but maybe its worth trying to refurb the one you have with a leather repair kit, or alternatively find a professional to do it for you.
  4. Yup, about a grand landed in the UK. I think Bulletmagnet has a pair that he'll take to his grave lol
  5. It cost £7.5k two months and 1k miles ago, that certainly doesn't warrant a 7% price drop to £7k.
  6. Someone go snap these up!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/18-Rays-forged-alloy-wheels-/162147714238?fits=Model%3A350+Z&hash=item25c0c1c4be:g:CiAAAOSwENxXledG
  7. Sounds like TCS to me. What size tyres do you have front and rear?
  8. Yeh did that,reply was ,dont know but enough to pass the m.o.t ! what a bellend!
  9. Why not just ask the seller how much tread is left?
  10. I've had 39mpg on cruise control, so he's not telling any porkies.
  11. The easiest way is to set it to auto and see what settings the camera picks and then adjust off that knowing what each setting changes. For example - lower aperture numbers shorten the FOV (field of view) meaning that a smaller portion of the photo will be in focus. This produces the wonderful images you see of a single flower being sharp and the rest of the picture blurred out (bokeh) Larger aperture numbers will increase the size of this area, but will require extra light from other settings, such as longer exposure times. ISO is the sensitivity of the sensor, higher numbers make it more sensitive to light and therefore able to take better pictures in low light situation, the negative side is noise, there will be odd random coloured pixels in the shot which may or may not lower the quality of the picture.
  12. Not included so far as I know, but thats not to say a trader(s) aren't doing their own packages. As for getting adjustables, I'd wait until your OEM ones wear out then upgrade.
  13. I honestly wouldn't pay too much attention to what a lot of websites say. Imagine the amount of cars they supply parts for x the number of different engine variants and you really can't expect them to get it right all the time.
  14. My guess would be that the drivers side is a 4 way electric seat whereas the passenger side is only 2 way with manual recline.
  15. I've had people ask for a phone number in ads before, I just tell them to call the number on the advert - they never do.
  16. Is your mate one of these people that think it saves fuel?
  17. Do you not have your number on the add? They have a security system where they list a number for interested parties to call that links to your number. This way they don't know your number and you don't know theirs.
  18. Floating calipers? Someone hook that guy up with some Brembo's. Beautiful machine, though, except for the wooden wheel and ridiculous wheel nuts. And whats that poking out of the bonnet?
  19. £500+ for a rebuild to replace the synchro's. No idea what else can be done in there to up the price. I would expect a brand new box to be near £3k from Nissan, if not much more.
  20. Aren't they 8kg each? That's pretty light for an 18" £300 set of wheels thats common as muck. How light would other more expensive wheels be?
  21. that's a new one on me. No, they are identical on the outside.
  22. Invidia N1 because it's a proper mans exhaust.
  23. So the first you seen of this was this morning? You didn't speak to the driver just after it happened? The reason I ask is because it looks like you're parked on the right hand side of a 2 way street and he somehow managed to crash square into the back of you at some speed. I would be suspecting drink to be involved.
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