Honestly I don't know enough about it to say for certain. I just know that I have seen a number of times people having or erratic idling or rev issues and it was tracked down to either the MAF or air filter element.
MAF? Maybe it's a bit dirty. Couldn't hurt to take it out and clean it with some contact cleaner and see if it helps. If not it could also be the throttle body if it's dirty also.
Has something happened recently in the matrix that prevents automails being sent to Hotmail accounts? I recently helped someone get signed in here who had been waiting for over 7 months for an activation email to be sent to his @hotmail account. Now I've just read an introduction thread from a guy who tried to sign up using 2 different Hotmail accounts before giving in and using his Gmail.
I've also just noticed that I've stopped getting email notifications of PM's to my @MSN account.
There may be a sticker on the inside barrel of the wheels. Those tyre sizes are crazy, no idea why anyone would fit those. 245/35/19 and 275/35/19 are the typical sizes for 19's.
'Bout time, you've been a member since 19th Dec
I think Simon had already agreed to join another group at this particular meet, but I'm sure he'll come over to say hi and we can go have a look at his bagged 350.
As soon as I seen the first picture my first thought was, needs stripes!
Beast of a car, good luck with it.
Fire up a link to your build thread so I can have a read about your buying experience I'm interested as to why it was so bad.
Actually pretty decent. I have an HKS Hi Power dual copy and it is not bad. Coming off the car next week because it's on the loud side and I wanted something more reasonable... Will be putting it up for sale here!
Not easier to get a couple of resonators welded in if you're otherwise happy with it?
Probably no need to go 25/30 on stock wheels and suspension. I could understand if you were lowered with wide rims and going for the stance award, but 20/25 is more than enough for the Zed on Rays and is tried and tested as being fine.
it has vents in the exact location of the reflectors, pretty sure it's just to save people having to locate them. I'd certainly call it a V3 considering it's almost identical