This is one example I seen, I have no idea which manufacturer it is or if they are even from the same manufacturer, but it's taken from 2 data sheets, one 75w80 and the other 75w90.
SAE Viscosity Rating 75W-90
Relative Density @ 20º C 0.890
Viscosity @ 40º C, cSt 84.8
Viscosity @ 100º C, cSt 15.2
Viscosity Index 189
Flash Point (closed) º C 133
Pour Point º C -45
Viscosity Rating 75W/80W
Relative Density @ 20ºC 0.880
Viscosity @ 40ºC, cSt 56.3
Viscosity @ 100ºC, cSt 10.32
Viscosity Index 166
Flash Point,open ºC 159
Pour Point, ºC -39
As you can see, the viscosity measurements at both cold (40°C) and warm (100°C) are around 50% lower for the thinner 75w80. However, the thicker 75w90 appears to have a lower pour point, which I assume is the temperature at which the oil stops pouring at all.