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Everything posted by KyleR

  1. WBAC will give you 80% of the online quote at the very maximum. Advertise at the WBAC rate and I'm pretty sure it'll sell. Don't forget it's not quite roadster weather yet
  2. As I said earlier, you'll lose power as I experienced when mine broke, but also, it'll run lean. It will probably be fine running for a few days, but not more. I recently had a leak, many many many times smaller than what you're proposing and the AFR on was off the scale. Usually it'll run around 14-15, but the right bank wasn't even measurable by the gauges, it was that high. I removed the Y pipe and replaced the gaskets and added sealant which has 90% fixed the issue and brought the AFR back to a decent reading, but still not perfect. I can only imagine what it was before on my old Zed with the blow out.
  3. Ref back pressure and power - I'm pretty sure it'll result in a noticeable loss in power. When I bought my first zed it had the typical break between the backbox and mid pipe. I thought it sounded OK but very loud and droney, so needed fixed. The very first second I drove it after getting it fixed I could feel the difference. I was disappointed with how quiet it was, but it pulled much better, so was a worthwhile trade off.
  4. I have a Nismo Y pipe as well as the Japspeed, the Japspeed is better quality than the Nismo! However the rest of the Nismo system shits all over Japspeed
  5. What fuel are you using? 95RON? 97RON? 99RON?
  6. I would never consider paying anywhere near £1200 for a front end respray. Half that would be about right IMO, including fitting the new bumper. Prices vary quite a lot throughout the UK, though, so someone in one area might find that price normal, whereas myself or someone else may find it outrageous.
  7. Depends on the car. Zed stuff might sell to someone returning to stock and wanting to sell the coilovers. Mine came with KW's, so if I wanted to return to stock before selling, I'd certainly be after OEM stuff to flog the KW's on.
  8. The last time I got currency exchanged was 2007 when I went to Kenya. If I went again I'd get currency again, but only because of the obvious lack of ATMs and card machines.
  9. Done a quick check - Currency Club Euro rate is €1.1321 if you order £1500+, lesser rates if you don't order as much. MasterCard rate is €1.1527. So it's just under 2% cheaper to use your card compared to the Currency Club. Of course this depends on your card, some have outrageous fees. Halifax Clarity has no fees for withdrawing cash or spending in foreign currency
  10. I do the same and I'm yet to see any scheme/club/currency exchange that can beat ATM rates. Gonna google this, though and have a gander.
  11. KyleR

    Goodridge brake lines

    Brake lines are the same for all UK cars
  12. Prices of DE's haven't moved in the 5 years i've been in Zed's. You can still buy similar cars to my first for the same kind of money I paid. RevUps have come down a touch and HR's have dropped a couple of grand, but thats because they are coming to the bottom of their prices now too, taking a bit longer than the DE due to desirability of the fresher face and more power. You can still buy pretty rough examples for dirt cheap, but thats the same for every marque. I'd say you're seeing a big drop because you paid way over the odds in the first place, especially if you are saying you would be "thousands out of pocket" if you sold up for £6.5.
  13. Your commute is nothing to do with it. I work about a mile or so from where I live and although I don't tend to take the Zed into work, I have in the past including when it's well below freezing and never had a issue starting the car the next morning. If the car is parked up for a fortnight or so, it may struggle a bit or maybe need a few hours on the charger, but not for over night. Something is draining it, but I have no idea what it could be, electrics aren't my forté.
  14. 245/35/19 + 275/35/19 £834 for MPSS £830 for MPS4S Fitting should be about £30.
  15. KyleR

    New 911 GT3

    Needs a 3rd exhaust tip
  16. KyleR

    Renegade Run 6

    Shame about the turn out. The weather probably had a say in that I'd imagine Lucked like you guys had a good time anyway. I've only a few weeks left in the football season, so hoping to get to a few events when my Sundays are free again!
  17. Carbon rear hatch next?
  18. Sorry, I should have said. They are for the 2006 facelift bumper. Neil Are you sure ? They look like pre facelift to me when you compare them to the orange pair. Yea, 100% pre facelift.
  19. I would call that a negative TBH. With the arches as standard you can easily run a finger over them and remove the crud, with them rolled, you're never getting that stuff out of there.
  20. So you've had this whole day and haven't swapped the engines over yet?
  21. Your inbox appears to be full Neil. I'll have the clear reflectors if they're still available, mate
  22. Decats will cause rasp, HFCs less so.
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