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Everything posted by JoshThePonce

  1. those alloys dont do the car any justice imo
  2. http://www.chargespeed.com/english/z33-bottom-3-e1.htm
  3. bump, any of the traders on here do a decent replica of this?
  4. i have 19" Volk TE37's on mine, they are scrumptious before lowering: after:
  5. i just like it when it kicks in, obviously holds the revs off for a second then as soon as it deactivates it's just a sudden burst of RAWR
  6. JoshThePonce


    fancy getting some spacers for some stance but not sure what mm to go for? think im gonna get a bit of stretch too when the next lot of tyres come around, currently 275/35/19 F and 245/35/19 R, what width do you reckon i'd need? don't want huge amounts of stretch just enough so the wall has a nice curve to it. http://s1061.photobucket.com/albums/t479/joshspeed/ pics on my drive are before lowering and pics in garage is with eibachs cheers
  7. or just make a paypal payment via the gift method, no charge then
  8. hey guys, is there a UK seller for this kit? http://www.chargespeed.com/english/z33-bottom-3-e1.htm cheers
  9. and i love the look of this rear diffuser http://www.madmotors.co.uk/bodykits-spo ... fuser.html
  10. i like the style of this one http://www.zercustoms.com/news/images/N ... 350Z-1.jpg really am looking for something with a carbon fibre effect though
  11. heff that is quite nice indeed, i like those little bars that attach to the front bumper Coldel that APR one is a bit too simple for my taste
  12. something like this for the front lip: http://www.amazon.com/2003-2005-Nissan- ... B001D6ZRKS can the CS diffuser fit on a standard rear bumper?
  13. be my guest i haven't got anything particular in mind so i'm all ears to anything any of the traders on here have to offer
  14. are there any good websites to get exterior body styling from? or possibly a trader on here does some? i really fancy a nice carbon front lip and rear diffuser, think it would make my 350 look so mmmm... cheers
  15. Would this combo work well or would i be incurring any problems? any opinions/info would be much appreciated. cheers
  16. I can turn VDC off at the push of a button, same place TCS on other models
  17. haha i knew it would have something to do with that
  18. consider yourself lucky, i dare not say how much mine is...
  19. i hope mine is something special never bothered to find out where the connection leads lol
  20. i used to own a hyundai coupe f2 evolution and the same thing happened when i lowered mine, turned out to be the anti-roll bars even though they seemed to be tight
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