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Everything posted by cez

  1. cez


    hi guys think I might have a problem?I have some lights coming on on my dash it's the two yellow ones for the traction and the handbrake light, if you stop and turn the ignition on and off they go but any ideas why they are coming on in the first place
  2. hi guys thanks for the advice i had the car up on mot ramps which shakes the car there is no obvious bit broken on the suspension but if you held on to the rack you could fell it knockin,it goes the hole time when you are driving on ruffer roads like i have up here.had quotes for a second hand rack but not sure what to do they can give 90 day warranty and the car its coming from had 19000 mikes on it what do you think.
  3. hi guys just saying hello i bought a black 350z in december and i am really enjoying it,but there is a knocking coming from the front ive had it checked out and been told its coming from the steering rack was just wondering where i could get one as the local garage is well over £1100 dont know if this is dear or not any advice cheers cez
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