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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. Got mine today as well and now fitted. Thanks for the great service as usual!
  2. Haydn makes a very good point, which is the reason I'm keeping mine. Think of the ball ache it would be if you failed an emissions test and had to buy / borrow some.
  3. Looks like Chargespeed (Or replica of) on the rear and skirts. Not sure about the front though? Your car looks mint BTW Matt!
  4. Where are the after pics? I'm looking at getting a DA myself soon as my paintwork is in desperate need of a refresh. Looks like it was 8 hours well spent!
  5. Ok mate cheers, good set that You were 3rd in line anyway!
  6. You're not alone CS, I have the same problem with IE10... which is why I have Chrome open just for this and another forum with other IE10 issues...
  7. Sorry, I know this doesn't help, but is this a common issue with D1 wheel nuts? They aren't exactly that cheap either!
  8. That is such a common place for the Zed exhaust to break. You may be able to get it welded, but probably better off getting a new backbox / centre pipe. Tarmac and CS both do Cobra / Scorpion systems which seem to be popular and really good value.
  9. For reference KC's is a Nismo (N1) I think?
  10. I'm 37, so no So young, just not cool!
  11. Not heard of any of them... I'm only 35, am I now officially too old to listen to music?
  12. You're very lucky then! It took me ages to get the damn thing reset! Like Dave said, there is a procedure in the guide for resetting which involves holding the eject button down and then turning the ignition on. Should be easy to sort!
  13. I don't see why not. If you cycle through the triple gauge using the buttons on the right of the speedo display, it should tell you what it's set to. Not sure you can set the number higher than the limiter, but could be a reason why you've never seen it?
  14. I think all the Z cars share the same size and possibly the GTRs.
  15. Sorry to get into this, but it isn't just your risk if you are on the road with other drivers...
  16. Pretty sure you can get sump / oil pan spacers. I think they let you increase the amount of oil you can hold? Not sure where to get one, but one if the traders on here is a good bet.
  17. Can make some for Wales if people want. Me me me!
  18. Massive fun and I would have kept mine if I didn't have plans for the ODB2 port (Which it uses for power).
  19. Payment received, now sold, Mods, please lock the thread. Cheers.
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