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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. One technique I saw from a pro detailer, and now use myself, is to fold the microfibre towel and pat down then lift off and move to the next area. This should prevent any chance of scratching that may occur by using the towel like a chamoise.
  2. All these bastard companies are doing this now and no one seems to bat an eyelid... It's fraud... and now I have to buy 2 Twixes!
  3. Good thinking Batman I will do the same now. Glad it wasn't just me that couldn't enter a reference.
  4. I'm not sure anyone understands fully, it's so rarely used on this forum?
  5. Because it was a DE registered in 2007... nothing untoward, except being about £1000 too much.
  6. Crunching / Clicking from 1st to 2nd is pretty normal as far as I'm aware. It's a fairly noisy transmission, but a gearbox oil change with some molyslip may help? for these. I highly doubt it will be a gearbox issue (Or that you will notice any difference with a new clutch). It could be something to do with the synchro's, but you'd be much more likely to be getting problems in other gears... 5th I believe is usually a problem with Zeds. These are based on other threads and opinions that I have read.
  7. Jealous I feel slightly inadequate in the knee region!
  8. I thought we were all forum members and not just randoms but least i know where i stand being a new member Also thoughtt it was a for sale section and not an auction . Feel a little disappointed with the " I'd much rather sell to you remark " TBH as that just harks to PMs between mates even if some " random " has got there first . I'd agree with this +1 If you don't want to sell to a "random" then PM the people you know. Once you post a for sale thread it shouldn't matter whether you have 1 or 1,000,000 posts as long as you can pay and correspond quickly.
  9. Very hi res with scantily clad babes draped all over the place ( one or two shots of the skirts as well) Sorry Chris I tried not to but ................. Chris can't afford scantily dressed ladies so it will be me in my speedos wrong on so many levels Dave! And you thought his knee was hairy!
  10. IMHO, if you're the 1st Vulture, then you need to post your intentions in the thread. It sucks when you lose out by seconds, but it keeps it visible to everyone else on the forum.
  11. Isn't that just a picture of the Stillen? http://www.stillen.com/products/engine/stillen-engine-damper-brace-100330/
  12. We'll see if it's still there after Wales... I'm defo bringing a socket set!
  13. glrnet +1.....1 x RLWL, 1 x SRBP, 2 x BBBBP £25.90 Gudzy +1.... 1 x RTWB, 1 x SRBP, 1 x BBBBP, 1 x STP £25.90 octet .....1 x RTWB, 1 x STP £12.95 The Bounty Bar Kid..... 1xSRBP, 1xVC £12.95 gort....1x RLWL 1x STP £12.95 Shire 350z..... 1x AR 1x STP £12.95 Darren-B.........1xRTWB 1xVC £12.95 Wasso +1.......1xSRBP 1xRLWL 1xBBBP 1xSTP £25.90 missniki +1..... 1xRTWB 1xRLWL 2xVC £25.90 twobears +1 ....1xRTWB 1x AR 1xVC plus any gluten free dessert except ice cream (if available ) Paddy78..........1 x RTWB, 1 x STP £12.95
  14. Noooooooooooo! must have been literally seconds late!
  15. If it's above the rest of the system then you should be OK... Or you could plug the holes with something (Keep in clean now gents, this is a family forum! )? Someone who actually knows what the hell they're talking about will correct me shortly no doubt!
  16. What kind of male offer are you after?
  17. Exactly, plus the pilot doesn't generate £Millions via endorsements, merchandise etc. etc. I'm by no means knocking fighter pilots or other professions, but you have to look at the money generated and invested in F1 (And other sports). Of course people at the top of these sports are going to get paid huge amounts.
  18. Yours sounds exactly the same as mine. I'm tempted to get a garage to look at it, but I'm guessing they'd have to strip the head... so $£€
  19. Who did those wheels for you, they'll need ripping out and replacing...
  20. he should be able help. Getting the bonnet and wings in blue might not be so easy though?
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