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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. Usually only for FI, I want one for a bit of bling, even if it's not actually needed. Thanks for the comments too guys!
  2. I hate this forum! 1. Trigg 2. TheHeff 3. Ironhide 4. SkylineV35 5. Paddy78
  3. What are you getting done? Spacer Nut has arrived btw and it's in the car so I don't forget it!
  4. So I failed miserably in my attempt to paint my brake discs today... I bottled taking the callipers off, but I should be able to do this with them on... when I get some normal paint as I only had a spray can. Anyway.... I didn't let this deter me from a day of work and so did the following: New Number Plate Fitted: Wheels Refurb'd (The Wheel Specialist Leeds): Spacers Fitted (Eibach 20mm / 25mm): Washed and Waxed: She's slowly getting there now. I need to invest in a machine polisher soon as I have so many little scratches / swirls. Still, I'm pleased with the day's work and can't wait for Wales!! Thanks for looking. Next up: Ironhide's Custom Anodised Slam Panel FlyBoy's Mirror Mod Grounding Kit Paint Brake Discs Oil Catch Can
  5. Fair enough, just thought I'd throw it out there. I totally agree, some smartphones are ridiculously big. Hopefully someone will have a 4s they want to sell, there's been a few on here before.
  6. Does it have to be an iphone? You could do a lot worse than a Nexus 4... The 32GB version is £280 from the play store and I doubt you'd get a 2nd hand 4s for that?
  7. Do you guys wax this? I have similar marks and have been thinking of some carbon covers, nut might try polishing them first. I'v never waxed them though, so just curious if this is the "done thing"?
  8. Just out of interest, do you know how old that Nismo Y was?
  9. Paddy78


    Good skills... just shows how long I've been out of the game. The last time I was single no one my age was married!
  10. Paddy78


    She might have got it in the divorce... Or shock horror, she might be a successful woman and bought it herself? Either way, if you didn't get her number, then massive fail! (Obviously if you're married / partnered then no fail... I'm no home wrecker)
  11. Only available in Rust... Sorry Bob I didn't mean it!
  12. Paddy78

    Engine Bay Latest

    Ditto... Although I somehow have some Nismo caps, grounding kit, dipstick cover, slam panel and some braided hoses... I think it's probably too late!
  13. Paddy78

    Engine Bay Latest

    Really nice Payco, shiny and tasteful... I approve!
  14. What a tit... I'm glad he isn't dead, but seriously...
  15. Yeah, just the central hub part and they will be black to match the wheels and spacers... I'll update my build thread with some pics once complete. I'm using Rust-Oleum Stove and BBQ paint which is rated up to 650c (Same as most VHT / Manifold paint) and should be enough for normal road use. I went for this as it is specifically designed for corroded / rusty surfaces. I have read that some VHT paints don't bond well to these types of surfaces and this was recommended as an alternative on PistonHeads.
  16. That's a good point, I should be able to use my spacers if that is an issue though.
  17. I'm going to try to paint my disc innards as they are starting to corrode and look awful next to my recently refurbished wheels. I have decided that it would be easier to spray these whilst they are off the car. My thinking is as follows, someone please let me know if I am doing anything wrong or will run into trouble with this plan: Jack wheel up and remove. Undo calliper bolts and secure calliper so that it isn't hanging from the brake line. Remove brake disc and label so I know which side it came from and therefore goes back on the same side. Reattach calliper. Put wheel back on. Repeat 3 times and then reverse once painted. I assume that I can just remove the disc without any issues or having to bleed the brakes after? I also assume that the car will be fine with the wheels on and no discs... I'm obviously not going to be moving the car until after the discs are back on? Any pointers / advice appreciated?
  18. Paddy78

    Lexus LFA

    It's a masterpiece of design and engineering, who cares who made it?
  19. Out of interest Chris, and to save my ignorance next time, what is the difference between DE and HR plugs? Is it just size?
  20. Thanks guys and nicely timed Dave! Saves me asking this same question on Saturday!
  21. Are they not the same? Edit: Obviously, not the engines, but the plugs they take.
  22. Is that on the hub or the brake disc? I'm going to be doing mine this weekend, so hope I don't run into a similar bolt as I don't remember there being one like that on either the hub or disc?
  23. That's horrible, is that a passenger or cargo plane?
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