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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. There is something incredibly low brow about them, but I think it makes me love them even more.
  2. Came home from football tonight to find this beast parked outside! Much envy... sounds so nice too!
  3. Here's the thread: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/56308-what-can-happen-if-you-run-your-zed-on-95-ron/
  4. It was Mark from Abbey who isn't just a guy from a forum. And yes, the Zed is mapped to 91 RON in the US... I suggest that you don't know as much about this as you think you do
  5. Why would it be any skin off your nose what someone else runs their car on? 95 RON or 99 RON, so the car runs slightly higher compression and ideally runs more efficient on higher octane. It's not your car and probably wont make an ounce of difference to the longevity of the engine.Remember more octane doesnt give you more power and although the car is designed to run on Premium but in the case that a lower grade fuel is used it will pull ignition timing to prevent detonation. That will result in less power and less fuel economy but it won't damage it. That comment was tongue in cheek, but I think there is plenty of evidence to suggest that running a Zed on 95 RON has a detrimental effect on engine life. Mark from Abbey posted the technical reasons a while ago and also had some pics of some pistons which hadn't been happy using 95 RON.
  6. Are you sure iOS7 is going to be released today? Isn't it just an announcement? The reason I say that is that my company develop apps for iOS as we haven't got the developer version yet which is usually released 2-3 months in advance.
  7. This thread is worthless without sound clips!
  8. That's the thing that bugs me even more... The clowns running their cars on normal unleaded won't be the one's who have to pay later when the engine need a top/bottom end rebuild and new pistons. In all seriousness, we should start a sticky and add cars we know haven't been run on the proper fuel. That way potential buyers can check if they are getting a car which has been well looked after or not.
  9. Is there any particular reason you're not using Super Unleaded? I know we've been here a 1000 times before, but it still amazes me that people use normal unleaded... presumably to save a few pence a litre. If you take the car above 5000 rpm and/or use normal unleaded the majority of the time, you are ruining your engine!! Please ignore this if your car is mapped to run on normal unleaded.
  10. Cool! Glad Dave's car went to a good home. So... When do you start the build thread?
  11. First 2 posts I read this morning are for damage to members cars... thoroughly depressing. So sorry to see that mate, hope it's not too difficult / expensive to sort!
  12. Just seen this and my heart sank. Genuinely gutted for you mate as I know how much you look after your car.
  13. Chris, are the door handles available (Both sides)? Interested in these if the price is right.
  14. Don't forget, you now have a prize winning car!
  15. Looking really good Chris. Was nice meeting you and seeing your Zed in Wales... apart from when you nearly made me crash into the back of Wizurd! Curse your lowered car up steep hairpins!
  16. Gutted I can't make this, but had already booked a holiday before the dates were announced. I really should get my priorities straight! Next year!
  17. Yet people spend £1000's on exhausts, wheels, remaps etc. etc. I don't see the negativity towards an improvement in braking for around the same as a set of 2nd hand LMGT4's. Making the car stop more quickly is surely more worthwhile than 90% of the performance mods people do. Your point about not being able to go faster than anyone on the street is true, so then if you're not tracking your car why not buy budget tyres, discs and pads as these would be perfectly adequate for day to day driving? When you consider that you can pay ~£1000 for DBA discs and Ferrodo pads all round, another £500 for a BBK doesn't seem that crazy.
  18. Flat Eric! Brings back so many head bobbing memories!
  19. http://pbbrakes.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=350z These look nice and they have my initials on them! What disc size / no. of pistons front and rear are recommended to make a significant improvement over the Brembos. I assume that if you don't get the balance right you can impact how the car handles under heavy braking? Is a BBK a worthwhile upgrade, bearing in mind that stopping is a fairly critical function. As upgrades go, they seem to be well priced... roughly the same as an exhaust and a remap and arguably far more beneficial.
  20. http://www.redmondpie.com/jailbreak-ios-6.1.3-on-pre-a5-iphone-and-ipod-touch-using-redsn0w-how-to-tutorial/ Looks like you can with the latest version of redsn0w. This site and programme are legit.
  21. Loads of traders do this, makes perfect sense and the off chance that some idiot might actually buy one at that price!
  22. Hmmmm, Japspeed Y-Pipe or full custom titanium cat back? Difficult choice...
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