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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. My questions are the tyres were well worn. Is that the reason it tramlined bad or is this normal. - Probably tyres, but could also be tracking or pressure. Do all 370 have the black headlining in all cars. - I think so, but you could change this. What exhaust does the 370 need to get a similair tune to my 350 with a milltek and induction kit fitted. - Probably Miltek and Induction would do the trick! Does the sound system have any speakers in the rear like the 350. - Not sure, but probably... The design hasn't changed that much. The syncro rev must be a better feature if you could here anysort of exhaust sound. - Aftermarket exhaust all the way The torquey power was nice but the car felt like an unruly fast quiet armchair and not like a tunefull heavy go cart like the 350. - Different cars... the 370 is pretty civilised compared to the more unruly 350z. Are the 2 cars really that different. - Yes
  2. Paddy 78 is a bit out, you would get about £6 for a trade in Isn't that what I said? He doesn't want to trade it.. Erm... Sounds like he does want to trade as selling privately is a hassle? Anyway... pointless argument!
  3. Paddy 78 is a bit out, you would get about £6 for a trade in Isn't that what I said?
  4. I've generally not had any trouble... maybe I'm just totally oblivious and just concentrating on the road? There was one occasion where I was driving quite late at night and someone took exception to me overtaking them and pulled into the outside lane to block me. I wasn't going that fast, but was seriously dangerous as he just expected me to slam on and accept what he'd done. There are some utter tw@s on the road, but mostly people seem to like the Zed.
  5. I'm no car salesman, but I think you'll be lucky to get more than about 6K PX... I may be horribly wrong, but at 7K there's virtually no margin. However, it's probably a decent time of year to shift a convertible, especially with the decent summer we've had so far, so that might count in your favour.
  6. Great post, and I see where you're coming from with it, but this is why it's incredibly frustrating for aetheists to argue with religious folk and vice versa: It all comes down to faith, and that's not something that's easily gaiined nor lost. Genuinely, I'd quite like there to be a god of some kind, as that would be quite comforting in one way and purely f*cking awesome in another. However, until someone can prove to me beyond all doubt that there is a god, I cannot see how any reasoned mind can believe in one. Likewise, I expect someone who goes to church every Sunday struggles to understand how I manage to go through life without the guiding hand of the book. John 3:16 Basically sums up Christianity and the reason you and I will be visiting the lake of fire! Faith isn't about concrete proof so you either believe/feel or don't.
  7. Ditto and service from CS is always good!
  8. Play off 21 with Callaway X16 Pro. Like with anything, best to go and try a few sets out for yourself so you get a feel for them.
  9. Centrifugal force pushing the oil away from the sensor. Pete I'm no expert, but that shouldn't happen at road speeds with a full sump? If you were tracking or racing, then this can happen which is why people get baffled sumps to prevent this.
  10. Uh oh, that doesn't sound good. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but the Zed holds about 4.6/7L of oil and the difference from L to H on the dipstick is 1.8L. So if you are below L you are running at only 50% ish oil. This will be a vicious cycle as that oil will get hotter than normal and not work as efficiently. Get some more in fast and hope that you haven't done any short / long term damage!
  11. So at that price scale a set of Rays should be about £3K and some LMGT4's about £8K
  12. Very distinctive looking car and plate! Looking and sounding awesome as I was leaving work. I was in the Golf not the Zed, so you definitely wouldn't have notice me!
  13. 20/25 = perfect fit. https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-9I08JTr1XTI/UYUwyuN1zkI/AAAAAAAAAQA/UtH5GsnJ4hw/w480-h480/04052013-3.jpg
  14. Drill a hole and splice some wires... can't be that hard! Someone please buy this before I do! You have 10 mins!
  15. I'd be interested in your experience here BBK... Not with Octet... But with the Tein and the EDFC. It looks like a good setup and is adjustable, so would be perfect for commuting and then also for weekend blasts.
  16. In terms of pure power, there would be very little difference. I think I gained 15bhp and 30 torque with an Mrev2, HFC's, Spacer and Panel filter. The delivery is better though and the accelerator lag in 1st to 3rd is removed.
  17. In all honesty you won't notice that much difference in power. A bit more torque maybe, but the real benefit of the remap will be the improved drivability in 1st to 3rd. It will also sound freaking awesome! Whether it's worth £900 is up to you, but I drove 500 miles to get mine done and don't regret it at all.
  18. So, took the car out yesterday and nothing... can only think It could've been the brakes, but no idea what caused it? Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be keeping a close eye on it.
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