Great post, and I see where you're coming from with it, but this is why it's incredibly frustrating for aetheists to argue with religious folk and vice versa: It all comes down to faith, and that's not something that's easily gaiined nor lost.
Genuinely, I'd quite like there to be a god of some kind, as that would be quite comforting in one way and purely f*cking awesome in another. However, until someone can prove to me beyond all doubt that there is a god, I cannot see how any reasoned mind can believe in one. Likewise, I expect someone who goes to church every Sunday struggles to understand how I manage to go through life without the guiding hand of the book.
John 3:16
Basically sums up Christianity and the reason you and I will be visiting the lake of fire! Faith isn't about concrete proof so you either believe/feel or don't.