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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. The rest of us will have had it for two days by then Release date fail!
  2. Really like the shade of blue, I just don't think it's right for the Ginger!
  3. It's certainly unique! Not 100% convinced yet... More pics please!
  4. Change your time off to start from Sep 19th... GTA5!! Failing that, I hear good things about The Last Of Us!
  5. I was expecting to see some grizzly wound or at the very least a plaster cast! As everyone else has said, the Zed handbrake is terrible... It even advises in the user manual to leave in gear and park with your wheels turning into the curb.
  6. I run the stock 06 airbox with HKS filter and there was no noticeable change in sound. Would I miss the few HP lost if I changed to a cone... probably not...
  7. Cone filters sound better, but you will lose a few horses, but I doubt you'd notice. The best intake for power is the OEM facelift airbox (Or modified 03-05) with an aftermarket filter. Most people seem to go for the JWT Popcharger as this is cheap and sounds good. as he sells these and others including the Takeda which looks awesome!
  8. Football, so all non football fans need to GTFO, as no one cares that you don't like football.
  9. I'll be watching tonight, hopefully 5-3 England... but 2-1 is probably more realistic. As terrible as England are as a team I just don't think the Scots have enough to trouble us. Either way, I hope it isn't the usual snore-fest of a friendly.
  10. Yeah, there's just something about them that is so cool. Possibly the fact that I'm a massive fan of the Gulwing and the SLS is a modern version.
  11. bit of a trek from dublin ireland mate lol, but thanks for the offer. a few clear pics of the mounts and complete fitted will work for me though Yeah, that might be a bit far! I'll try to get some pics this week for you, although it is hard as there is a lot of stuff in the way. Benedunn, I'm in Calverley, so not far at all.
  12. It's a total bitch to fit tbh. All the pipes are generally in the way. Where about's are you? If you're local to Leeds I wouldn't mind helping!
  13. I like the idea of the Nismo one, although not the price, as it's adjustable so you can put it back to stock length if needed.
  14. 25mm for the wiper arm and 19mm for the spray nosel. Halfords sell the 25mm on its own and the 19mm as a pack of 3.
  15. Perfect for countries that get a lot of sun. I might try this in my garden shed (although it'll only work one day a year).
  16. Lots of nice stuff there! Can't tempt me though I'm afraid.
  17. I'm guessing she'll be asking them which one posted this on FB? "Well it was fcuking one o yous!" Disgustang!
  18. Mark's onto a winner there, good find!
  19. Amazon looks the best bet, but still have an OS.
  20. I can't be arsed googling for stuff I want to buy either, can you lot do it for me please? 1st up, I need an 18-200 e-mount zoom lens... not from HK Go go go
  21. was thinking the same, but didn't want to get on Ian's case! Shame on you Haydn!
  22. Was just about to start a topic about these. Good starting price, nice for someone!
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