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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. that's some impressive lurking and a really nice looking Zed. What front lip is that btw?
  2. Paddy78

    2014 Calendar

    Balls... I knew there was something I was meant to do this month! Oh well, maybe next year!
  3. Sorry to see that mate...
  4. I am slowly warming to these. My mate swears by the MK1's which I really like the look of, but always thought these were a bit "bubbly".
  5. Some people have reported issues, but mine were fine... actually feels more planted, but then I did get a full alignment done after fitting.
  6. Meh to the film, but the Marvel intro at the beginning has a 350Z for about 1 frame! Has anyone else spotted this? Hopefully it'll be the new Marvel intro for a while!
  7. Front end looks ugly as hell! Looks like a retarded robot bulldog... not so keen now.
  8. When I was mad keen on getting a Clio 182, their forums also recommended not leaving the car running stationery... even when scraping the car on a frosty morning as it could increase engine ware.
  9. https://www.gov.uk/displaying-number-plates/rules-number-plates https://www.gov.uk/displaying-number-plates/rules-number-plates I'm guessing they're not legal.
  10. Don't quote me on this, but I'm sure that once you get pulled for something like this, your car will be flagged up next time the police spot you? Worth getting a legal one... although there are far worse motoring crimes which seemingly go unpunished (Your centre caps and ride height for example!)
  11. Breaking News... If it's wet / cold / slippery and you floor it, then you lose traction!
  12. Being by the sea won't help with the rust either.
  13. I've been banned fron getting anything for the car this Christmas... so probably some ARB's... can't see them!
  14. I'd take CAT5 over wireless and powerline any day (As long as it's hidden and is CAT5e). The transfer speed and consistency will be much better, but I guess it depends if you need the bandwidth or not?
  15. Reason ? Due to their methods of signing up new customer's on the door step. I'm sure other suppliers did it, but npower were the only ones who tried it at my house. Blatantly lying and very pushy salesman.
  16. Just out of interest, what do you think it would cost to get 800hp+? I'm guessing you'd be looking a close to £10k to get around 500hp?
  17. I would never go with NPower on principle... there is literally no discernable difference between suppliers, except price.
  18. http://www.homebase.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?langId=110&storeId=10151&partNumber=100730 These... end of search! I had the same problem with our kitchen. We have 8 GU10's and I'd tried all kinds of replacements, but they were either too dim or gave a harsh white light. The homebase ones are great, they give a warm light and are really bright. Had 8 now for well over a year and had no problems from them. Only downside is they are non dimmable... but might not be an issue if you don't have dimmers.
  19. Can't believe I've only just seen this. Full 350z set please.
  20. I drove 500 miles to get my remap done at Abbey based on their reputation and reviews on here... I wasn't disappointed! I probably should have gone to RS Tuning who are about 15 mins away, but I don't see them on here offering as much help and advice like Mark and Jez.
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