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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. Had it yesterday, two lycra clad overweight to55ers, riding along side by side for about a mile in a narrow road, I'm amazed they are still alive, you could see they were deliberately doing it , to make a "stand for cyclists".. :rant: I doubt very much it was to antagonise, more likely, they were trying to ensure that some impatient car or van driver actually gave them enough room when passing. There's no reason why cyclists and motorists can't cohabitate, but clearly a lot of small minded attitudes need to change first... on all sides as some cyclists have an equal disregard for motorists.
  2. Halfway between Smoked Chrome and Shadow Chrome: Done at the Wheel Specialist Leeds. No problems so far... apart from a self inflicted scuff on a curb!
  3. I did this at the weekend too using your guide Mack. Great guide, many thanks!
  4. You can run 10w40 and it does state this in the service manual.
  5. I'm sure the S4 and iPhone 5s have also been voted best phones of 2013.
  6. Arran, arent you supercharged? I thought these cams (11.1.1) were for NA only? Obviously if you're not charged, then irrelevant.
  7. It's alright I suppose. SO MUCH WANT!
  8. Looks cool and who cares if they aren't Nismo... But you definitely need some spacers. Look how small and hidden the rear looks in this pic... You know it makes sense!
  9. It does say in the blurb that the 2 piece are welded and 3 piece can be taken apart... you really have to squint though!
  10. Google is your friend!! Looks OK to me...
  11. There was a construction schematic on one of the websites selling them, but it is very small and I can't find a bigger one... Squinting, it does seem to say that they are welded together, but I guess you could e-mail the manufacturer and find out? Diagram taken from here: http://www.frsport.com/index.php?target=products&product_id=8259
  12. 92% Dog and its food caught me out!
  13. Love the Chargespeed rear, car looks fantastic!
  14. Anyone getting 26 MPG average clearly isn't driving their Zed properly! I've just had a P1 and it was £80 labour and £75ish for the oil and filter etc. P2 and P3 you can expect £200-350+ depending on what you get done with it.
  15. Yep, even I know that's an ARB bush! Edit: Clark Motorsport or CS should be able to sort.
  16. Andy, I can only see this poll going one way mate! Voted: iLittle btw
  17. Nice one Bob! Mine went through on Thurs with only an advisory that it needs a 4 wheel alignment... again... Yorkshire roads!! I was worried about emissions this time as it's the 1st year with the HFC's, but no issues!
  18. Your car has a very distinctive look, which not everyone will appreciate, and therefore your market to sell to is probably smaller than a stock Zed. You can also pick up cars of a similar age for much less than £6K now: http://www.autotrade...-to/6000/page/1
  19. Me too please Ian... not sure how I missed this! What else are you flogging mate?
  20. I can't even work out what car it is? Polo? Dave, you have to find it!
  21. It's too cold! I'm definitely a fair whether detailer!
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