I love Gran Turismo, but I think I'll wait until 7 is released next year for PS4. Forza does look ace, but I literally would just be buying an XBox One for that game... 5 tanks of petrol or 3/4 MPSS would probably be a better investment!
Halfords for the bungs, you'll need a 25mm and a 22mm (which comes in a pack of 3). About £5 max. I literally did this last week and used some bathroom sealant around the boot grommit to guarantee no leaks in the boot.
Probaby the central fuel pressure regulator. Nothing to worry about. You can tell if it's this by touching it and it will be vibrating in time to the rattle.
I also have a Zunsport on my facelift and it fitted perfectly. Sounds like you have been sent the wrong one or have a non standard bumper. Post some pics so we can see?
It looks like it hasn't got any tyres, utterly retarded... I take it there are no potholes or speed bumps in Holland as those rims would last about 100 yards on Leeds roads!
I can't see there being any diference. It wouldn't make financial sense for Nissan to design and manufacture 2 different front and rear bumpers for essentially the same car (bar the roof and boot).
Not trying to p!ss on anyone's fire here (And I may be totally wrong), but isn't the problem with the boot popping actually to do with the gas struts? People use washers and pennies to fix this temporarily as it only costs a few pence compared to replacing the struts. There's no guarantee that the springs will fix long term as the struts are still too weak (And presumably getting worse with age). Replacing the struts is only around £50 and it's a tested long term fix.