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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. This has been mentioned this week on another thread. I think the end result was to be careful when connecting the leads to the terminals (Common sense really). Also to not have the other cars engine running when you jump it.
  2. Received mine this morning too Ian, they look top class.
  3. I'm sure these have come up before and only available from the US. I agree with Bennett, you'd need sunglasses to drive at night!
  4. Yeah, horses for couses really and they are not upgradeable (Or particularly good for stereo music). I would have to have my arm severely twisted to move away from a 5.1/7.1 setup. As others have said, get down to Richer Sounds and have a chat with them.
  5. Not particularly "budget" and you could get close to a proper 5.1 for the money... but if a sound bar was the preferred choice: http://www.whathifi.com/Review/Yamaha-YSP-2200/ It has 3 HDMI inputs, so no issue connecting your components and will decode all the latest HD sound formats. It's definitely an option to consider if you decide you don't have the space for a full 5.1.
  6. Your components would all connect into the amp/soundbar via HDMI. The amp/soundbar will then pass the video to the TV via an HDMI output. The amp will decode the sound and send it to the speakers.
  7. If this is for your bedroom and space is at a premium, then have you considered a sound bar? A full 5.1 with amp is definitely the way forward, but a sound bar would bridge the gap whilst you get your own place. Matching components to the size room you have is as important as the other things Dan mentioned.
  8. Loving this build! Really makes me want to attemt something similar, but lack the time, space, money and skill... so vicariously will have to do for now.
  9. A previous owner removed it. It's a very common mod and IMHO improves the looks with minimal loss.
  10. I'm not saying you can't still get them, but I'm sure someone previously mentioned they're duscontinued?
  11. Only run on Super as the ecu is not calibrated to handle the early detonation you would get using normal unleaded. Prelonged use of normal unleaded would seriously knacker the engine.
  12. 18 mpg is not unheard of, especially if doing town / city miles. What oil did you use at the last service?
  13. You should post some pics for starters! You shouldn't look at any for sale threads or pictures of other cars... it'll be a lot cheaper that way!
  14. Just shows how much it actually costs to deliver mail and what utter robbing c**ts Royal Mail are...
  15. Class! Looking forward to getting my mits on these.
  16. Nice one Ian! I can't imagine your car looking stock... really strange seeing the old picture! Here's to 90 more!
  17. Still time to get these before Christmas! Now £120 delivered!
  18. Lol, must be the day for it... pretty sure I got caught by a mobile in North Yorkshire today...
  19. I don't mind what else they change, they just need to sort the tyres. I'm a massive F1 fan and whilst I did enjoy last season, it was overshadowed by tyre management. I know it's already been discussed to death, but it just seems such a stupid idea, especially when the remit is to make F1 less expensive... churning through a set in 6 laps seems to be somewhat counter to this. Anyway, back to the early predictions Hamilton Rosberg Vettell Merc Ferrari Redbull
  20. Looks lovely Chris. Really liked the white one too, was great following you and Wizurd last year in Wales.
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