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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. Good luck with the search! They don't make them anymore so 2nd hand ones won't hang around (or be cheap). Tanabe Super Medallion is basically the same exhaust. Why the Nismo out of interest? I know this is probably a stupid question as it's probably the same reason I wanted one!
  2. Best, fastest and seemingly most common!
  3. £70 is about 50 litres @ £1.35 per litre. The Zed has an 80 litre tank? 200 miles from 50 litres is about 18mpg, so about right if doing short journeys and blasts.
  4. Interesting, because most "what MPG" threads have everyone doing well over 25... unless my maths is terrible, people are doing well under this. 200 miles to a tank is under 12mpg... that's clearly not right!
  5. Would that mean running 275's on the front? What would you be running on the rears -18x12 and 300+ ? I think you'd have issues with acceleration unless running serious power. Why do you want to go so wide on the fronts, I run stock widths and have never found myself lacking traction or grip?
  6. That’s why he needs the stroker kit. It seems to suffer from the same problems as the GT-86… lovely car, just missing a few HP! All I can say is wow! I was looking at Supras on Auto Trader last night and most look hideous when someone has molested them. Engine bay is gorgeous and the whole car is fairly subtle. Absolutely love it and really jealous!
  7. Loving the black plenum and tb, must be the season for it! Glad you're pleased with the bolts, they look ace!
  8. As others have said, totally gutted for you mate! Fingers crossed you get it sorted on insurance!
  9. Pics at the weekend! Should be getting her back on Friday... can't wait!
  10. Cal I'll be running another GB soon. I just need to sort an issue with one of the bolts... one seemed too long. I can't check until I get my car back at the weekend, so will start a new thread then.
  11. Turbo the Zed? I think it would be an R33 for me... probably a good investment too if you got one which hasn't been molested.
  12. Does it happen all the time or only when the car is cold?
  13. £500 - 35yrs old, 7yrs no claims, no accidents or points, all mods (38) declared.
  14. All those cars are nice, but Andy's is absolutely gorgeous... I especially like the engine bolts!
  15. This is why I ask the stupid questions! speaking of stupid questions... anyone know the difference between the AKCD03 and AKCD02 plenums? CD02 is what I have on my Rev Up, but is there anything different in terms of flow???
  16. As others have said, it hooks into the bumper near the number plate and screws into the original grill (Once you've removed the front pieces - don't want to leave holes in these!) You can just about see the holes in the above and highlighted green below (Facelift version).
  17. So, first sunny weekend of the year and I decided to give painting the Plenum and TB a go. My car is still in the bodyshop, so really starting to get Zed withdrawals! Paint Prepped Plenum and TB - Tibby was no help whatsoever! Finished Article It's not perfect, but not too bad for my first attempt at spray painting. Depending how anal I get about the finish I might redo it, but overall I'm really pleased with the result. Does anyone know if you can put wheel sealant on these to give a bit of extra protection?
  18. Glad to see you back on the road Matt! What a fantastic job the guys at The Zed Shed have done yet again!
  19. Guys, Sorry... only just seen the recent posts in here! I'm without my car at the moment so can't check the bolt lengths. I'll sort no.14 out for you all and will investigate no.21 as this should be identical to the other plenum bolts?
  20. Nice work James! Hopefully it'll be nice and settled for Wales!
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