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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. Did mine yesterday too. Long overdue! First time I used some new products too, really pleased with the outcome! Snow Foam: Valet Pro Citrus Pre-Wash Shampoo: Dodo Juice Supernatural Wax: Autoglym Aqua / Express Wax Job done!
  2. Finally got round to giving the zed a nice clean and wax. Also, not shown of my bulge and front lip yet! Really pleased with the look, but now saving for some Nismo skirts, spats and a duck bill! Will this never end!! Planned Before Wales: 1. Paint Cam Chain Covers 2. More Bolts 3. Mopedmark Core Strut Thanks for looking.
  3. Mine are looking pretty similar to that and need doing soon. As BBK says, the paint finish will only be as good / bad as the prep work. sand them down again until the wipers are smooth and free of the corrosion. Only start painting when you are 100% satisfied with the prep.
  4. Or he might even have exactly what you need ready to swap! http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/83116-superpro-bushed-front-arms/#entry1240705
  5. Search for a "Installing Polybushes" thread by Bennett / GT4 Zed... I'm pretty sure you need a press for some of them though?
  6. As long as you've done a half decent job it'll look good. You can't really inspect the TB too closely as it is quite a way inside the bay! At least that's what I keep telling myself!
  7. Looking good! The TB's are fairly hardy... I ragged my second hand one around a fair bit and moved the butterfly by hand loads and it still worked after paining with no probs at all (Apart from me trapping the rubber oil filler surround in the plenum).
  8. No, I tend to agree. It looks like it has been looked after (Although, no for sale advert (Bar Ricey's) says how shockingly it's been cared for). Remove the wrap and that could be a nice cheap car for someone. It is totally hideous though!
  9. Not sure about US Prices (But I suspect cheaper than UK)... I got a 4 wheel refurb done for £300 ($500). Theses were fairly battered and corroded. The whole process was acid stripped, filled, powder coated and finally sprayed on top for a shadow chrome finish. Put some feelers out on the US forums as there are bound to be some decent places near you. I was so shocked at how good they came out... literally like new! + I bet you'll only pay $300 for the same service... seems everything is matched £'s to $'s
  10. We looked at a diesel very recently to replace Gill's company car, but she was massively disappointed when she test drove it. It was nice, don't get me wrong, but didn't feel at all "special". She also had a very limited choice of new ones as the new version is upon us imminently. I've always had a soft spot for the TT, desperately wanted a MKI before I realised I could afford a Zed. I still quite fancy a TT RS as I'd wager that does feel "special". You can't really go wrong with a TT though, they look nice, good build quality, fast, fairly economical... Pretty much a winner!
  11. I think they look cool and are certainly a good idea for shows. I can see why the police would take exception to them though. I can't see it being an issue if it was parked on your drive without it being displayed, but on a public road I'm pretty sure you could get into trouble. It screams like you're trying to hide something... But I'd hope all other road crime had been punished solved before the police moved onto retractable licence plates!
  12. Sorry to disagree with eveyone, but they look awful James! You should cut your losses and sell them to me!
  13. Snow foam is all about the lance. Any decent pressure washer should be fine... I've had my Karcher for 3 years with no issues. Get one of the decent foam lances from CYC or PB. They are around £40, but worth every penny if you want foam.
  14. Also, it's a no for the struts at the moment. You can't seem to get M10 Countersunk Bolts (Fine Pitch / 1.25) anywhere in the world - The place I got mine didn't have any and had no plans to get any more in stock. I even tried to get some made in China, but the minimum order quantity was 5000! They didn't see a problem with this and said that at least I'd have some in stock! I said it would take about 20 years to shift. I'm still looking so will update if this situation changes.
  15. Just 2 more full sets to get this Group Buy started!
  16. Paddy78


    Yeah limited to 112 For track days!
  17. Paddy78


    Limited to 112 or 155? I assume 112 as delimiting 155 would be pretty pointless?
  18. Paddy78

    HR Bonnet

    This! Got mine from them in a group buy. Great service from Ewen too.
  19. They look great matey! Does need lowering though!
  20. You don't need to be Columbo to work it out! In defence of the seller, my recent transaction with them was A+ and as described etc... However, the pics in the advert don't look like the ones Daryl received... I'm sure the seller will do the decent thing... and I'll keep my nose out!
  21. "Shoddy"... "Badly Worn"... "Tatty"... "Heavily Used"... "Unfit For Use"... I could go on, but you get my drift. I can't believe that: A) Someone would sell these as "Mint" in the first place (When they are clearly only fit for a skip). and That person is so deluded about the quality that they would hold a poll on here... To the seller: Full refund by the end of the day if you have any honour or decency... Edit: That shoud be a B!
  22. I pressume they didn't show these photo's in the advert!
  23. I can vouch for the quality of Wasso's, plus they look excellent!
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