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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. I've had 3 carry bags in mine before (Long and not interesting story) and even my lanky mate's set which are +2 inches on all clubs.
  2. Anyone with a DE rev up thinking of getting a spacer and remap, really should snap this up! I would have killed for one of these at £220... I paid over £400. GLWTS
  3. The vultures are here already I need mine fixing before getting anything else! I'm sure they'll swap it Haydn.
  4. I've not seen one, but doing a Google image search would suggest that the one on the right is a DE.
  5. We've just got a 320d which is all the car you would ever need. The 335's must be absolutely epic. 335 coupe all the way, unless you need 4 doors.
  6. Looks retarded when taken to the extreme IMO. A bit of camber comes in handy on track as Dan said, but you use more rubber that way.
  7. I believe they have to send notification within 14 days from the date of the offence I think that might be an urban myth... but don't quote me on that. There are 14 day/6 month time limits - see here (Sections 6 & 7 apply): http://www.lawdonut....offences-faqs#6 Well, yet again I stand corrected!
  8. I believe they have to send notification within 14 days from the date of the offence I think that might be an urban myth... but don't quote me on that. At the end of the day you broke the law, so I'd assume you can be done at any time. There's no other crime where you can't be punished after a set time?
  9. Unlucky matey, you should be good for a naughty boy course unless you were over 79 (in a 60). Their first step is to find out who was driving. If you get a course, then some insurance companies ask if you've been on a course... so you may need to shop round to find one which doesn't!
  10. Yeah, that's Nissan pricing for you Car does look nice, but why blatantly lie about it? Unless this us what they were told when they bought it?
  11. Really sorry to hear this, but sadly, this sounds like one of those occasions when you just need to take your medicine. I know you were not in the wrong, but there is little chance you could persuade a judge over the word of 2 police... as they'll ensure their stories are identical. You'd probably end up paying the fine and costs as you have no other evidence to back up your story. At least you don't get penalty points?
  12. Not sure if they have any in stock, but this is about the only place I have ever seen with them: http://www.zeetoyz.com/350zengine.htm I ordered one of the dipstick covers which is pretty cool!
  13. I'm no expert, but I'd say the first thing to check is for air / leaks? Maybe change the fluid and bleed brakes as a starter?
  14. Don't feel stupid for worrying about yours, that happened to you and you naturally feel bad about it. Yeah, bonnet catch is possibly buckled, so not sure if it's slightly bent. Going to get a full inspection done as the exhaust was also hit, so could be cracked...
  15. I think it captures you perfectly!
  16. It's all good, mine was done again... so that makes 3! Edit: Sorry to see your damage by the way... I know it's no consolation to you, but could be worse!
  17. How does the whole process work? Will the insurance company come out and assess the cost of the damage and then payout? Thankfully, I'm a total crash / insurance noob.
  18. Tell you what Paddy I'll do it again for free for you next time your up Chester way Thanks Paul, that's a really kind and generous offer! Thanks for all the comments guys, really didn't need the hassle, but most importantly no one was hurt and the damage to my car hopefully isn't too bad.
  19. On my way home from an afternoon of shopping... innocently pull up and stop behind an Audi... next thing... Luckily, no one was seriously hurt... somewhere between shocked and annoyed at the moment? Driver of the Meriva clearly not paying attention to the road... with 2 ****ing kids in the car! Poor lad in the Saxo hurt his arm and his car is completely wrecked... paying £4.5k a year to insure it as well. To top it off, the Audi which I ended up hitting had a mother and child in, both of whom had just come out of hospital after operations. Anyone care to guess at what possible damage may have been done? It drives OK and thank god the exhaust seems to be all right.
  20. Really great pics! A man who certainly knows how to use his camera.
  21. I was in the group of parked cars too. I remember everyone saying as you came past, "Can I have one of those please?". Man it sounded so nice!
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