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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. This! I thought Ricey had broken mine when he detailed the car before Wales! Turned out I was being retarded...
  2. Surely cheaper to buy an older GTR... and no one will take the **** when they realise you've spent £40K on a fake Lambo.
  3. Uprev is the software used to remap the ecu. Basically when you add breathing mods like intakes and exhausts it allows the ecu to utilise these... although you will get minimal power from an exhaust and lose power from an intake. They are worth it from a sound perspective and the remap makes the car more responsive in 1st to 3rd, so still worthwhile. ODB readers are definitely a handy thing to have. You can get them for about £10 from Amazon. You can use Tapatalk (Forum App) to upload pictures from your mobile. Failing that a google+ or photobucket account can be used to upload. Edit: GM beat me with much better info on the remap!
  4. Azure with gunmetal wheels... A man with impeccable taste.
  5. and At least tell us a bit about the car and modding plans if no pics!
  6. No one was even injured... why was this national news? There are 100,000's people starving and dying across the world and this is what the BBC went with... FFS
  7. My mate used to have one, lovely car for blasting around in on the weekend. He got rid after a few months of commuting... It was either a new car or a new spine!
  8. That's mainly more shots of the Y pipe. Look like decats to me too and a Cobra.
  9. What we want and what we'll get will be totally different no doubt. We will want an NA V6, but there is no market for this especially with emissions laws etc. It will most likely be a 2.0 turbo pitched as competition for the GT86 / BRZ.
  10. Could be wrong, but I'm sure the Z35 has already been announced as the next Z... unless I've been reading bollocks websites again!
  11. Yep, pretty simple job - undo bolts, undo hoses and reverse. The attached hoses can be a pain, but nothing someone who can hold a pair of pliers can't handle.
  12. Hopefully common sense will prevail, but a mod is a mod... You should see the list I sent in... over 40 I think declared for this very reason! Invalidating your insurance is a real possibility.
  13. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/87808-drive-out-yorkshire-dales/
  14. yh, front bumper and passenger side wing were damaged but nothing major few scracthes and the bumper number plate holder was hanging. Why write it off then .... Hmmm That's exactly what I was thinking. Nothing major / few scratches is not a total write-off... Not for a car worth £20+K? I sincerely hope that the car is OK and that you get an absolute bargain, but as everyone else has said... sounds dodgy as fook! This is exactly the reason why most people will avoid CAT C/D like the plague!
  15. Terrible to hear all this mate and I can't really add anything that hasn't already been said. However, your Mum may have a point about your contribution to living. I obviously don't know the situation, so apologies if I have this wrong... just trying to rationalise where you Mum is coming from. Have you worked out how much it would cost for you to get a place of your own (including rent, council tax, gas, electric, home insurance etc. etc.)? If this figure is less than ~£700 a month then you have your sums wrong! If you offered to pay your Mum a lot less than this, then she is naturally going to be annoyed, especially as she will be venting some of her financial situation on you. As others have said, it's probably time for you to move out. Would you be getting blamed for your Mum's situation if you'd lived elsewhere for the past few years... I'm guessing not.
  16. Paddy78


    Stock bodywork / spoiler? If you had badly designed aftermarket parts it might cause lift rather than down force?
  17. Don't know much about the new civic diesel, but the old 2.2 in S flavour looked fantastic and was pretty good mpg-wise. Hondas are so reliable... there's a reason old people buy them! It is probably the only choice if going purely with head.
  18. Apple are usually pretty good if you have a store near you. Try them first, if not phone your phone company and ask them to send a replacement before you send yours back. Remember the small fortune you are paying and don't take any nonsense!
  19. See my Avatar! Got to love better halves that appreciate your Zeditus! Happy belated Birthday mate!
  20. Nice Golf, but I can't see anyone wanting to trade down... and pay you for the privilege!
  21. What Will said. I had mine "fixed" and it's still terrible. Any sort of slope and I put it in 3rd / reverse just to be safe!
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