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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. We had a C4 as a company car and it seemed OK. Was certainly economical. You'd probably get more for your 3-4k too as they aren't as popular as VW / Honda / Mazda / Ford... Although, I'd go with a Focus... we replaced the C4 with one and it was pretty much faultless for the 2 years we owned it. Edit: God I hate IE!!!!!!
  2. I'd like a set too please (2 tyres ) I'd also like 1st dibs on any rears!
  3. To be fair it looked immaculate and there are no shortage of people looking for a nice 911. So, what next? You still hankering after a Temper?
  4. Dodgy as fook! Walk away people!
  5. I wondered why you'd removed the Martini stripes! GLWTS
  6. No knocking the picture, but how old! Advertising the PS2!
  7. Price? Age? Mileage? No point waffling about how amazing the car is and what wax you used without including these! GLWTS
  8. Sounds like you just need to do the ecu reset and throttle body position reset. These can be done by the "pedal dance". Happened to me when I cleaned mine. Was absolutely fine after the reset. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/53148-how-to-ecu-accelerator-pedal-throttle-valve-resets/
  9. Sorry to hear this mate! Hope it's not a hassle (Or too expensive) to sort.
  10. Love the wheels Darren. They just seem to look perfect on 240's. Looks like you have a date with a bush press.
  11. What planet are you from? Engine location and driven wheels has nothing to do with engine braking: Please don't confuse the OP anymore than he already is! GMballistic explains it best, although diesels do engine brake as well just nowhere near as much due to them working via compression rather than spark. Yeah, but it doesn't sound like the OP is actually talking about engine braking though? Incidentally, I do understand the concept.
  12. I think I know the sensation you're describing. I'm sure it has to do with the fact the Zed is RWD and the fact that you are being pushed rather than pulled by the front wheels.
  13. Nice work! Does this mean we get a conclusion to Keyser's Mini Adventure?
  14. This is a really difficult month. I love Neil's car and his photo's are excellent, but Bizz's just edged it for me. I voted for Amy's in Wales so time to share the love around a bit!
  15. Ditch finder... surely it's the driver that finds the ditch, not the tyres? Doubt you'll find someone selling a full set? eBay worth a shout as you might get matching pairs... if you have to get 2nd hand? Otherwise a new set of Falkens is about as budget as you'd want to get.
  16. Red 370 + subtle black aero = Massive win! When I move on from the 350 it will almost certainly be for a Red 370. Gets Gill's seal of approval too! Edit: Is it just me or is the forum playing silly buggers with images?
  17. Those extra 2 inches make all the difference.
  18. Is there anything that actually needs doing? It looks mint!
  19. Will you're making more sense than normal! :lol:
  20. What a cool trip! Looking forward to the pics.
  21. I know it's obvious that if something's too good to be true then it probably is... but the temptation of getting something for several thousand less than it ought to be is very tempting! It sounds like a total dog and good job you walked away! Hopefully no one will be suckered into buying it as £12K will be quickly followed by 1000's more!
  22. K1 without bungs is about the loudest thing I've ever heard. Even with bungs they are still pretty offensive... but if you must have 2 separate exits, then it is definitely the cheapest way to do it I'd imagine. You'll probably spend double on anything else.
  23. I know what you mean, especially as they aren't exactly cheap either.
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