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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. Is that really an S1? Looks way too square to me... are you sure that isn't an old school quattro? Edit: Ignore me, I'm a retard... Quattro S1 not S1 Quattro... big difference!
  2. Don't know what it is about Zed drivers in Leeds, but I rarely get an acknowledgement. I've still not seen you either and you lived about a minutes walk away from me!
  3. No disrespect Matt, But AliveBoy has successfully hijacked this thread. No one is interested in your pansy little foo foo problems anymore! Now back to those girls... are you going to make us guess which ones?
  4. Yep, you know the rules of the internet... pics or it didn't happen!
  5. The trouble is Petersfield isn't exactly a student town or any of the surrounding areas. Chichester, Portsmouth or Guildford would be best for students, but then you'd be moving even further from your work. I'm from Midhurst originally so know the area reasonably well.
  6. Stay at home and pay £400 a month... seems like a good deal to me! You'll be lucky to rent somewhere for that and then add a few hundred on for bills. Kids these days, you don't know you're born! On the other hand, moving our could be just what you need. You have to at some point... but be under no illusion... It ain't cheap!
  7. 32 in a 30 sounds dubious to me... Sorry Will. Sounds like either the old lady or your mate exaggerating for effect. When you get the letter to go to the naughty boy / girl course it tells you the thresholds that you would get done for and you would be OK at 32mph... The only exception would be if you got pulled over by the police and then admitted to going 32mph. I think at that point the police could write you a ticket as you have stated that you were speeding.
  8. Looks stunning here fella. Totally... so much want!
  9. Singh is a very common middle or surname. I'm fairly sure that all Sikh's have to have Singh as part of their name... although I could be showing my ignorance. We have about 100 Indians working for us in Kochi and Chennai, so fairly used to knowing the difference between first and last names now!
  10. Do love a bit of Wheeler Dealers. I can only think of 2 abominations that they've done... The RX7 and they did some sort of track / drift car... can't remember what that was though. The RX7 is still one of the worst cars I've ever seen anywhere.
  11. You're right, but anyone worth their salt will be able to add some mounting brackets when fitting. Abbey did so to mine and I've had no problems with them at all. They are also a lot lighter than the OEM cats, so you could probably get away without the brackets. I think you're right, now that I come to think of it! I'm sure someone somewhere has run one without issue!
  12. Not saying you're wrong Vlad, but pretty sure Keyser's car had a Kinetic plenum? Seemed to work ok on his, but I guess early ones might have had problems.
  13. Have them on mine and have no complaints. Quite a few peeps on here have heard my setup and have generally had good comments. You'll get a bit of rasp from 2.5-3k rpm... but you will with any non resonated HFC's.
  14. Have had 20/25 fitted for well over a year now and didn't notice any real difference. I did get a full alignment done after fitting though.
  15. He wants to work out, not rebel against his parent's!
  16. The thing I don't get (If the BBC's facts are correct) is how firing a gun in public carries less of a sentence than illegally owning ammunition? I'm guessing he's going down for at least 10 years...
  17. I think No will edge it due to superior scare mongering. I'd be interested to see the results if the options were as follows: FFFFFRRRREEEEEEEEDDDOOOMMMMM!!! Ya English Pr!ck
  18. One major flaw with the HR that would totally put me off buying one... They don't come in Azure!
  19. I think there's a competition law that stops DD's being cheaper than shops. It makes sense as it would basically prohibit shops being able to sell games. The shops would then stop selling the hardware and everyone would lose out. One of my testers has the week off to play this. Defo waiting for the PC version!
  20. He'll be too busy under steering through 10 sets of fronts to worry about the rest of us!
  21. Yep, defo sounds like the fuel damper / fuel pressure regulator. Grab hold of it and it will be pulsing in time with the noise. Common issue and don't think it's anything to worry about. Edit: There are 2 of them. One to the left of the plenum and one tucked behind at the back of the engine. Look like these... If you didn't already know:
  22. Have you just completed an archaeological dig of the internet Andy?
  23. Sorry to see this matey, that's really bad luck! Hope you get everything sorted out soon!
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