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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. Lots of nostalgia on this thread. Currently playing Sniper Elite 3 on PC. Pretty good actually, reminds me of the old Hitman games which I loved.
  2. There were already 77 other Paddys.
  3. There's no way in he'll I'd be leasing a car from someone with a website like that! Wow, just wow...
  4. I'd rather someone used a keyless hack to steal my car than kicked my front door in and demanded the keys. These people aren't opportunists so if they want your car they'll get it one way or another...
  5. Rocker cover looks freaking awesome! ... so good I had to say it twice...
  6. Hey, no spoilers... I've not watched it yet!
  7. G Wagens are so cool. Will be watching with interest.
  8. They'd probably put the item through as if it were under the tax threshold. They did with my reflectors so they still worked out miles cheaper than getting from the UK, even with the $30 shipping. Since you can get a stubby in the UK for less than the price of shipping it doesn't exactly seem worth it. As a basic rule, you'll pay as follows (If you get charged VAT and import tax): Cost of item and shipping in $ x 0.6 x 1.23 = £ inc. Import Tax and VAT
  9. Why not order from the US? They don't look like parts that could be damaged or not work on arrival, so no real risk of having to send them back? I've ordered a few parts from abroad and never had any problems. I'm sure they'll ship tot he UK if you contact them.
  10. I just thought it was a typo, maybe £13,500 is more realistic. So, who's going to e-mail the seller with some questions? That sounds like it might be a fun game!
  11. Fix it if it can be fixed. Borderline madness to spend £1000's on a new boiler. The new house buyer won't care as long as the boiler is working and you'll have a recent certificate (Or whatever you get) from the plumber proving so.
  12. What are you after? Someone might know where to get it from?
  13. I disagree with you on that one. If you are selling your car you can just roll the tax on for another month without having to buy another 6. In this case the new system is actually better. Ok so why would pay 1 months tax that you don't need to You presumably do need to if you haven't sold your car and you want people to be able to test drive it? I'm not saying it's perfect, but in that situation it's surely better than another 6 months.
  14. I disagree with you on that one. If you are selling your car you can just roll the tax on for another month without having to buy another 6. In this case the new system is actually better.
  15. Yet again, you've made what is probably a hideous job look totally straightforward!
  16. Totally off the original post, but why is the GTS £7K more than the S? It doesn't seem any faster on paper? Is it just better spec as standard? Looks really nice though. I love the new shape Cayman. The old one was ok, but looked a little too "toy car" for me. The new one is so muscular and aggressive... I must have one!
  17. Nismo + HFC's = ear porn It's still sounds great without HFC's though!
  18. Literally, the exact adjective I used when they pulled the cover off. Maybe I'm just becoming more of a miserable bastard as I get older... but what happened to subtlety and classic lines? The GTR isn't exactly a looker, although I actually do really like it, but come on is that really the best Nissan can come up with?
  19. Paddy78


    I'm sure someone more with more knowledge can give a better answer, but I think you have a couple of options: 1. Live with the warning light. 2. Try to remove the TPMS fuse to get rid of the light. 3. Fit sensors to the valve stem of your new wheels / tyres so that it works with both sets. 4. Might not actually be an issue as the TPMS may only work if it detects 1 or more sensors. No sensors = no TPMS? I have no idea how the system works though and I think TPMS is only on imported cars, so not very common in the UK. The above just seem like the most logical solutions?
  20. More money doesn't always mean more stress. In the same organisation that may be true, but moving to a different sector may mean that things are less fast paced. I'm a PM myself working in healthcare IT and it can be pretty stressful at times. My girlfriend has just moved from being a Dev Manager in healthcare IT to one in the financial sector and is finding it really easy (Which she hates) despite having been given a huge pay rise when moving... She's now looking at getting her boss' job as quickly as possible. I'm in a very similar position to you as I have worked for my company for 11 years. Leaving would be hard, but there are so many good opportunities out there. Who know's if you do hand your notice in, your company may try to keep you by offering a better package or another role? In a small company there is sometimes not natural route for career progression, so leaving is unfortunately the only thing you can do in order to improve your career. Wish you all the best and with a big enough pay rise you might be able to tempt Matt to sell you the Zed back!
  21. Sorry to hear that mate, but glad it didn't happen in Calverley or I guess I'd be prime suspect!
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