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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. So you don't like your own Zed? Harsh man! Put it this way; if the offer of a straight swap cropped up I would bite his hand off! He did say part-ex for a car which is easier to sell... Resale Silver and a few £100 his way and a deal could surely be done!
  2. Just read the entire thread, it's nice when you get to the end and everything has been sorted!
  3. What's not to like? GTAV with better graphics... here's hoping they don't screw the PC version when they finally release it.
  4. 1. glrnet x2 2. GMballistic x1 3. Grundy225 x1 (Might have 2 ) 4. Keyser x1 5. Veeg33 x1 6. Scott_f91 x1 7.Andy James x1 8. Dunks x1 9. 14N x1 10. Sam McGoo 11. Mikeyazure x1 12. DoogyRev x1 13. Stoker11 x 1 14. Paddy78 x 1 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
  5. I call shens! I think you screwed up painting your dash and had to order a replacement!
  6. You're really selling this lads...
  7. A credit card's always handy. It gives you additional purchase protection too.
  8. Flash might not be the answer for museums as many don't allow flashes... or flashers?
  9. Paddy78


    Openeo are also good. Currently cheapest online for Vreds and have stock. Edit: I know irrelevant for the OP, but I needed new fronts!
  10. Higher iso usually means more noise so maybe not ideal? What are you taking photos of? If it's close up, then a flash would be beneficial. If it's over 10m then obviously a flash is pretty useless. Have you thought about a tripod and longer exposure? That comes with other problems and no good really if you want to take shots of anything moving. Better body isn't always the answer.
  11. Air ride... or move to America... surely the only sensible options? Low cars just don't work 90% of the time in this country.
  12. C Class for me. I really like the look of the new Mercs and they are quality inside. I know you said you didn't want other suggestions, but... 3 Series?
  13. With 8 gears I would probably never be arsed to use the manual mode...
  14. You already have a fairly enviable man cave Chris! Get a lodger and spend the extra cash on more cars!
  15. Unless they are Saxo specialists, then they'd probably recondition your box. Worth a call to find out? Have you tried Saxo forums... If such an ungodly place exists?
  16. I don't know much about reconditioning gearboxes, but if it has a hole in the side, then surely another box is required?
  17. Dealers would be more than happy to do that for you! Means they get to sell another finance deal!
  18. Basically the maths here is: £4000 + (£600 x 36) = £25,600 So at the end of the finance term you will have spent >£25,000 and have nothing to show for it. As long as you're OK with that, then go for it.
  19. You're right about the GTR, it was a bit of an extreme example. You know what I was getting at though. I'd love a 370 Nismo, but if I had £38K burning a hole in my pocket, there are a lot of other seriously impressive cars for that kind of money. I'm sure you had similar thoughts before you bought yours, but obviously the appeal of the 370N won.
  20. Might be worth shopping around too... http://www.newcar4me.com/SearchResults-Manufacturer_6425-Range_1008-Model_47162-Body_Any-Transmission_Any-Fuel_Any-EmissionRating_Any.html OTR for less than £32K... but no PCP quote without calling them. Edit: Or maybe just ignore me completely as the one in your link is the 2015 model...
  21. As nice as the 370 Nismo is... £38K... I know the running costs are vastly different, but that's 2nd hand GTR money. It's your cash, but IMHO there are so many better cars for circa £40K... including the 2015 370 Nismo. If you have your heart set on the old model, at least wait until the new one has been released as you'll surely save a few 1000's as dealers try to shift old stock.
  22. Yeah, shame you can't toggle it quickly or at least leave you zoomed in when the cut away has finished. Quite a lot of replay value though even if it's short.
  23. I'm not sure it's still possible, but you used to be able to open in notepad++ and the password would be readable... not sure if they haven't fixed this though as it was **** poor security?
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