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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. One for the weekend I think at over 90 mins
  2. It'll only go ahead when we have 10 full kits ordered. I'll send a PM for payment when/if this happens. I need 10 full kits or I can't get the bulk discount on everything.
  3. i can read all that in a magazine and to joe public they really couldnt give a toss about the finer details a film quality slidey smoke action scene is what will keep them switched on top gear is for the masses its not an enthusiasts show and to honest listening to tiff or plato on fifth gear talking that stuff is about as entertaining as watching a brick wall This. I really like Top Gear it's entertainment that just happens to also have cars in it. Look at how 5th Gear has done recently... demoted to Discovery Turbo because no one gives a toss unless a programme is some kind of reality / celebrity wannabe shite or period drama. If you want proper car reviews then it's off to YouTube we go.
  4. What a great idea Graham and how very civilised... until the nosing commences. Would Krispy Kremes be too uncooth for such an occasion?
  5. Wrong road, wrong colour zeds... apart from that it could have been them!
  6. Hey Will (and everyone) Ross may be along soon hopefully to answer this too... Its a family atmosphere and show but going from last year I was happy to leave my car and go for long walks around... there wasn't any children left unattended and everyone there was super friendly and respectful of the cars. If any one is worried I am sure there will be some of us on our stand to keep an eye out at all times anyway, so certainly feel free if you're off for a wander- and you must go and wander! to ask me to keep an eye on your car or anyone else who's happy to stay around their car at that time Thanks Amy. I must say I feel happier about leaving my car at a car show than in a supermarket car park.
  7. This is just absolutely class! Top job so far, but I suspect this is the easy bit?
  8. Thanks Ian, that's what I thought. To remedy this, I'll look into supplying strut spacers as well so the 35mm bolts will fit regardless.
  9. It's a Tarmac (trader on here) strut and he did have some red ones previously.
  10. My thread when I did it. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/80231-powder-coating-plenum-and-throttle-body-now-painted/ Basically if I can do it and make it look reasonable then anyone can.
  11. That's what our solicitor told us, but it actually turned out to be ours that was dicking about with things and blaming it on the other side. Once we started calling them everyday, they suddenly got things moving for us... You will definitely need your own as they will hopefully advise on anything dodgy that arises in the searches / deeds etc.
  12. Can see where you're coming from, some just look dumb. I love the orange one though. I want that kit on my car but would keep my wheels, would look perfect The orange one with the Nismo v3 is stunning... just why oh why ruin it with stupid wheels and setup? It surely can't drive or handle that well either? Anyway, I know there is a whole scene that does that kind of thing and each to their own, but I'll never get it...
  13. I can appreciate the work that has gone into those, but the stretch tyre / stupid camber look just isn't my thing. It just ruins what would otherwise be quite cool cars.
  14. You're telling me! Don't worry I'll sort it so the bolts work for either scenario!
  15. if you don't want an estate, then a 4x4 seems to be where you're heading. A Qashqui seems to be a decent all rounder. A 3 or 5 series estate would be my choice though.
  16. The plenum spacer comes with spacers for the strut so that they still fit. What I'll do is just provide longer bolts and include strut spacers so the bolts fit regardless.
  17. or should I say, hello sailor! The things you'd really want from the base model are Rays, heated leather and Brembos. Although Rays and Brembos could be specc'ed on a non GT I believe. I'd say it's worth the slight premium for the GT over standard. It's definitely worth getting an HR if you have the budget for one though.
  18. You could fit the longer bolts, but I can't guarantee that they'd screw all the way down without the spacer as there is 10mm difference. You could add washers if they didn't so you could use them once you do get one? Are you referring to the plenum bolts paddy or the strut bolts. From what I can make out you get two lengths for the plenum in a kit, for use with or without spacer. For the strut you have to choose which length. Do you not just raise the strut bar up to miss the plenum if you had a spacer, by putting something under the strut bar ,thus having to use longer bolts. If so could you not just do that with or without the spacer fitted ? Sorry for being a pain. Not being a pain at all and I think that would work. I'll see if I can get any of the strut spacers to add to the kit... They can't be that expensive.
  19. You could fit the longer bolts, but I can't guarantee that they'd screw all the way down without the spacer as there is 10mm difference. You could add washers if they didn't so you could use them once you do get one?
  20. That's a good call. I have a load of M10 washers you could use so I'll chuck them in! Added to The list.
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