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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. It will come with 3 bolts and washers for each throttle body. No need for all 4 as you literally can't see them. It would appear so, yes. I'll PM everyone tonight to make sure they are still in and then will send payment details. 1. Elliot350 - Black - Option 4 (£99) - Spacer 2. burgs - Red - Option 2 (£32.50) 3. gumpy000 - Blue - Option 4 (£99) - Spacer 3.5 Hell presidente - Blue - Options 5 & 6 (£51) - Spacer + lots of washers 3.6 telboy83 - Blue - Option 6 (£44) 4. THUNDERZED - Black - Option 3 (£59) 5. SHEZZA - Red - Option 4 (£99) 5.5 Cal - Red - Option 6 (£44) 6. PPod - Black - Option 4 (£99) 6.5 Garyt350z - Red - Option 6 (£44) 7. DrMatt - Red - Option 3 (£59) 8. mrt - Blue - Option 2 (£32.50) 9. ZedManTID - Red - Option 4 (£99) - Spacer 10. add350z - Silver - Option 2 (£32.50) 11. Bodyboarder81 - Silver - Option 2 (£32.50)
  2. Agreed, the lighting and framing is superb. Looking forward to seeing more and possibly a calendar entry?
  3. No worries guys, I'll sort spacers for you all if this GB ever runs!
  4. It was cloudy in Leeds and this is about as good as it got!
  5. I've ordered a metal,'spacer' off ebay for a couple £££, will try that. Have ordered m10 x 3/8 (6mm ish) to fit under the gear know. Will let you know of it works/fits! PM Beavis as he has been doing replacement rubber spacers for gear knobs. He may be able to sort you out?
  6. Sub 5 second 0-60 is pretty ambitious for £15k... Probably a 335d if I was pushed, but I commute in my Zed which is far more fun.
  7. 1. Elliot350 - Black - Option 4 (£99) - Spacer 2. burgs - Red - Option 2 (£32.50) 3. gumpy000 - Blue - Option 4 (£99) - Spacer 3.5 Hell presidente - Blue - Options 5 & 6 (£51) - Spacer + lots of washers 3.6 telboy83 - Blue - Option 6 (£44) 4. THUNDERZED - Black - Option 3 (£59) 5. SHEZZA - Red - Option 4 (£99) 5.5 Cal - Red - Option 6 (£44) 6. PPod - Black - Option 4 (£99) 6.5 Garyt350z - Red - Option 6 (£44) 7. DrMatt - Red - Option 3 (£59) 8. mrt - Blue - Option 2 (£32.50) 9. 10. Only 2 more full sets left until we can get this going. I'll leave this open until April and if we don't get enough people then I will have to close! I will post what bolts / washers you need and where to get them from if this happens, so at least people will be able to create their own kits.
  8. Swap the BGW for a carbon duck tail and you have my idea of a perfect 370!
  9. Sadly my trip is on hold for the moment, but watching this with interest. Driving the Zed 1500 miles to get to Norway might not be the best idea!
  10. Not having a 370 has saved me at least 5k tonight! GLWTS, some properly nice stuff there!
  11. Maybe not for the Zed, but the BMW is getting these the minute they are available!
  12. Well, his work looks sh!t, so he wasn't that far off!
  13. Lack of jack aside, I see no reason why you couldn't paint them. I doubt a few layers of paint would unbalance anything. Could the solvent in the paint unglue them potentially... I doubt it though?
  14. Top Gear is one of the few things on TV I really like and look forward to. I will be gutted if this is the end, but people can't just go around punching other people without consequence. The trouble is the bbc will set a dangerous precident if they reinstate him after so many other indiscretions. It's a sad day, but let's not forget who is actually to blame here... as much as I like Clarkson (When he's not being sexist, racist etc.) and Top Gear.
  15. They do look really nice and I'm sure it'd be useful for a while, but 2 things initially put me off... 1. Battery life... as if I want another device to chare every day, especially a watch. 2. I don't want to buy an iPhone.
  16. I can't speak for Dan, but I would never ever post anything sarcastic!
  17. I use a slightly modified version of the Mk1 (Manufactured by Police), but it still does more or less the same job.
  18. Paddy78


    Not knocking the Air Lift vid, but the stock car gets held up considerably ona few corners by another car whereas the Air Lift one has a totally clean lap... just saying...
  19. Paddy78


    Air ride seems like a great idea, but the cost of the kit and installation, not to mention the ongoing maintenance is vvery hight. Just seems like a massive hassle for not much gain over coilovers... Unless you want to run really low, but then that makes the car undrivable on UK roads.
  20. Buying, fitting and paint matching a replica Nismo kit could easily cost around£2k. A factory fitted Nismo is probably worth the extra if that's the route you were planning on going down at a later stage?
  21. If you like the look of it and the price (And can live without those features) then go for it. You just need to remember that it will be less desirable when you come to sell and that will be reflected by the price you can ask... not really an issue though as you would lose far more than that if you bought a new car and rolled it away from the dealers!
  22. Difficult to say definitively as you could spec a lot of "GT" stuff as options on the non GT. Mainly the heated electric leather seats and cruise control. A bit of a guide here: http://www.parkers.co.uk/cars/reviews/nissan/350z/coupe/equipment/ Personally, I would wait for one with the spec that you want... but I know that's difficult if you want something and have the cash ready for it!
  23. West Sussex is the second best county! Oh and remember...
  24. That's not a dildo gear knob.... these are dildo gear knobs (Scroll down past the carbon ones)! http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/75651-gear-knobs-we-have-some/
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