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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. We made a load a uni and it was f**king disgusting. I'm sure if done properly, like anything, you can get some decent results.
  2. You'll be lucky to get a decent HR for 9K... which maybe why you've not seen anything that takes your fancy. What things are putting you off the cars you've seen? You have to remember that these cars are getting quite old now (The last HR sold is 6 years old and early models are now 12 years old). They will start to have marks on the paint, wheels and leather etc.
  3. I've been giving updates via PM, were you not included? There was an issue with the supplier of the cup washers, but they should arrive no later than the end of next week. I'll then start sending the kits out. I've apologised for the delay, but not much I can do about that I'm afraid. I'm not a business, nor am I making any money from this so I can't help if suppliers are slow to deliver. Please see below pictures of bolts etc. waiting to be packaged in case you think I've done one with your money! If you want any other info then please send me a PM?
  4. Rev-Ups (296 - 06-07) and HR's (313 - 07-08) all had the option to have the factory Nismo kit, so there will be some about. Expect to pay £2-3k more though. A gorgeous red 296 sold recently on the forum.
  5. I thought it was 35 psi?
  6. You can get new bushes for certain parts, but I'm sure that there are some on the banana arms that need a new arm if they have gone? PM ZMANALEX or Clark Motorsport as they will be able to tell for definite (And will have stock of the bushes arms).
  7. Glad he's OK, but hitting the rev limiter in 4th and changing into 5th means he was doing 110-120 mph on a wet road... not the most intelligent thing I've ever seen!
  8. Sorry, I don't know what that is, but isn't this about the 3rd one of these in a few weeks?
  9. No one's ever truly on holiday from the forum... as long as there's internets! Looking good Chris and Bob!
  10. Banana arms? Edit: Ignore that if the sound is from the rear.
  11. Ha ha shows what I know !! The only thing I do know is when I test drove one a few years ago I didn't like it !! Well I'm no classic car expert... As Dan says, we're not talking 5 years here like some cars, maybe 20 years, but that's a long time to keep a TT in good condition and I don't think it's that special that I'd be arsed.
  12. TTQS is a lovely car, was after one for a while but we're just out of my price range at the time. TT's will definitely be a future classic as they are already an iconic design. The QS will likely be the sought after ones as they are rarer than the standard car.
  13. Gill had a C4 for a couple of years as a company car. It was nothing spectacular, but we never had any issues with it. We wouldn't have bought one though.
  14. I've been with the same company for 11 years. Every time I think of leaving I've been offered a better job. I'm sure it's a great feeling though!
  15. Sorry guys, just got my PC up and running again today. I'll send out the pm's for payment etc. by the end of the day. Always room for one more Karl! 1. Elliot350 - Black - Option 4 (£99) - Spacer 2. burgs - Red - Option 2 (£32.50) 3. gumpy000 - Blue - Option 4 (£99) - Spacer 3.5 Hell presidente - Blue - Options 5 & 6 (£51) - Spacer + lots of washers 3.6 telboy83 - Blue - Option 6 (£44) 4. THUNDERZED - Black - Option 3 (£59) 5. SHEZZA - Red - Option 4 (£99) 5.5 Cal - Red - Option 6 (£44) 6. PPod - Black - Option 4 (£99) 6.5 Garyt350z - Red - Option 6 (£44) 7. DrMatt - Red - Option 3 (£59) 8. mrt - Blue - Option 2 (£32.50) 9. ZedManTID - Red - Option 4 (£99) - Spacer 10. add350z - Silver - Option 2 (£32.50) 11. Bodyboarder81 - Silver - Option 2 (£32.50) 12. Karl - Gold - Option 4 (£99) - Spacer
  16. The one with the shark on the tin is supposed to be really good... and it has a shark on the tin! http://www.cleanyourcar.co.uk/sealants/finishkare-1000p-hi-temp-sealant/prod_589.html
  17. Looks fantastic and glad you got rid of the GT4 badge!
  18. Carb cleaner and some old rags. Anyone on here with a mint engine bay does this!
  19. Kind of like constantly posting a load of random bollocks about yourself on a car forum?
  20. What the hell...? Surely that's some sort of fraud? Do you think the seller actually thinks he's got a GTR...
  21. Most of you on this thread should apply to be BBC journalists... I've never read such a load of bollocks and speculation in all my life... apart from maybe the football gossip column, but even they have an occasional fact!
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