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Everything posted by Paddy78

  1. You're a better man than me, I wouldn't even have stopped... Unless someone was having a heart attack or something. Run out of petrol... all the best mate, see ya...
  2. I had to check in here in case the title was wrong!! Can't believe it, your's is an iconic and unmistakable Zed. So, what's next Bob, something nice must have caught you eye... or have I missed that thread?
  3. Yep http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Carbonetics-Carbon-twin-plate-nissan-350z-Clutch-/221869151205?hash=item33a86e93e5&nma=true&si=fW%252BvT8HcYXdXQArYTRjt9wdnfgk%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Great when people try to make extra money out of us forum users isn't it ? There's probably a perfectly reasonable explanation for the £220 hike for us. Maybe he's throwing in a few of the broken flywheel teeth or something?
  4. I've followed(ish) Tom before on a drive out and his GTR sounds and goes as well as it looks. GLWTS
  5. Nice write up, shame about the wheel/tyre!
  6. Beavis was making some rubber ones for members a while back, or does it have to be aluminium?
  7. Another vote for the red. I'd actually consider those myself and I hate pretty much all aftermarket wheels!
  8. There were ways in which I could have made it work, I know that. There were other reasons too, like my fiancée would not have liked to drive it even though it would have been half hers.
  9. I do hope so as the car is utterly fantastic and Fraser is a thoroughly nice guy! I went to see the car a few weeks back, but sadly it wasn't for me... although if my work didn't have stupidly high speed bumps I would have bought it there and then. Whoever does buy the car will have one of the best sorted 370's in the UK and I will be very jealous of them!
  10. I know what you're saying, but I wasn't talking about "cheap" aftermarket discs, just cheaper than Brembo which I don't believe to be good value for money or better quality than Stoptech / DBA.
  11. If they do a good job, then pay whatever they ask! I'm yet to find somewhere that can do a decent job, so I'd pay more for a trusted service.
  12. Paddy78


    I'd only bother with new cats if they start rattling, blowing or fail an MOT. Someone will likely have some hanging around though if you really want some replacements.
  13. But the stock Brembo discs are more expensive than most of the aftermarket discs bar the top end DBA. That's why so many people have difficulty choosing replacements and so many threads asking advice.
  14. I don't see how you can relate the forum being free to justifying why all non moderators are kept out of the loop about banned members. I also throw my hat into the mix for the 'one line justification' . I spend a lot of my time on the forum, even though I don't know many of you personally I still feel a bit robbed by the fact some of the familiar faces just drop off the face of the forum without any explanation. For me it loses part of the "community" feel. Or maybe I'm just not part of it. Who knows! I thought the harvested organs part might have given away the sarcasm... I won't be as subtle next time!
  15. Has something changed recently? Whenever I post in a topic it now doesn't show in the New Content / View New Content section until someone else posts in the thread. Just a minor annoyance as you can't go back and reread the thread easily. Anyone else noticed this, or is it just me?
  16. You've got to remember that this is a free forum and the mods give their time for a small percentage of the proceeds from the harvested organs of "banned" members. If we want this community to stay free, then we have to accept, that from time to time, members are going to be "banned" and no reason will be given.
  17. My Dec 2006 is needing it's second set of discs after 50k miles, so even a late 313 could easily need new ones by now. Depends where the car is kept and how it's been used etc.
  18. That's gorgeous Jonathan! I thought you were mad when you sold the Zed, but you've had 2 great replacements. Only 4 more cylinders now until your plate becomes valid!
  19. Stoptech and Hawk or DBA T2 and Hawk. Wouldn't bother with anything more expensive unless you're doing some serious track work. I've been running Black Diamond discs and pads for the last 3 years and they have been absolutely fine for fast road and a few track days. Will be swapping to Stoptech and Hawk at the weekend as I fancied an upgrade and I must say the quality over Black Diamond is noticeable. There was about £20 difference between them and the DBA T2.
  20. Raises an interesting question around VED and company car tax. I dare say the Inland Revenue will have a few things to say if the same software has been sued in the UK as they will have been losing £1000's in underpaid tax, including from us when we had a Golf as a company car. Unlikely anything will be done, but you've got to imaging the IR will be considering some sort of action.
  21. Terrible, but what are 3 people (Or anyone for that matter) doing on a quad as past midnight.
  22. No pictures of either side... I'm out.
  23. High Flow Cats (HFC) will pass MOT no problem.
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