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About jell36

  • Birthday 13/02/1986

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  1. I could be wrong but i thought it was dropping the control rods that caused a power surge.. I thought cause they were graphite, that when they lowered it caused a spike in the chain reaction!.. which then turned out to be a design flaw? under certain operating conditions? From memory (which isn't great) there was an issue in that the core was overheating, they then removed the control rods from the core, relaised it was a mistake and then tried to lower them into the core again. Upon lowering the control rods, the reactor core was too hot and so the graphite in the control rods shattered as they went from warm to very hot too quickly.
  2. Dropping the control rods into the core will stop the reaction as then the reaction is flooded in essence. Most modern reactor designs incorporate a fail safe where by, if the reactor overheats the rods are dropped automatically by mechanical means. The rods are composed of graphite. Apologies for the reply not being very detailed but I have to be a little careful about what info I'm allowed to give out
  3. Has she got blood circulation problems, resulting in cold fingers? Could try a pressure sensitive screen instead of the more common heat sensitive ones. Don't know what head units meet that criteria though.
  4. To be fair to the op, some of the comments are correct but some are also false. Currently there is no major risk from the power plant but the long term disposal of the radiated water is a small concern. Providing the control rods are not removed and fresh water is able to circulate the reactor then there is no danger. Chenobyl did the exact opposite and wrong thing and removed the control rods which allowed the reactor to reach critical mass. The reason I feel I can comment is because I used to design a nuclear reactor for a famous British company (oddly people in this thread seem to be justifying their knowledge)
  5. Don't understand the bikers reactions, just mob mentality. If I was the RR driver, calling the police would have been the last thing on my mind until I felt safe. All I would have been thinking about is getting out of there which is what the driver did. When they surround the vehicle at the next set of lights, my attitude would have changed and would no longer be in flight mode. It would be time for fight. It's at that point (the repeated second major intimidation) that I would have quite honestly been trying to run over as many of the bikers as I could because if I was the driver at that point I would be fearing for my life. It's natural human survival instincts, fight or flight, the RR driver tried flight to no avail.
  6. Yeah I thought it would end up needing a respray. It's a shame as it's a lovely bumper but the respray puts it out of my price range. GLWTS,
  7. Are you sure there isn't a hole in your exhaust? I don't get any drone with my Nismo system.....the sound is just when you hit the pedal, which is what you want. I'm sure, it was brand new, imported from the USA and fitted from new to my car in March/April this year. A forum member fitted it for me with a little help from me and Abbey checked it over just 2 months ago. No holes.
  8. You get a surprising amount of cabin noise. The main reason I went for the nismo exhaust was because the reviews said there was very little drone. When cruising on the motorway at a constant speed, the noise is about equal to the road/tyre roar but the second you accelerate (even slowly) it is very loud and seems to be as it's loudest in the cabin from 1800-3500 rpm.
  9. With your recent respray, do you think this could match and be fitted straight to another azure zed?
  10. I've got one on mine, had it since April. They do sound gorgeous but they are a bit louder than I expected. I have thought about changing it for a milltek but it's too much money to loose.
  11. I like the idea of it but think that the people who do the crappy work should get paid minimum wage so then they are getting more than they would be on benefits and are equal to the rest of us. A 39 hour a week job on minimum wage still doesn't give you a comfortable life style so there is still encouragement for them to get a better job that pays more.
  12. There's no point in taking this up with Nissan. It is a Samsung Galaxy S4 issue only. Nissan have your money already and you are asking them to update the software in a car that is up to 11 years old, they wont do it and shouldn't be expected to. Samsung are the ones at fault here, every other phone I have tried works with the cars Bluetooth including the HTC one which has the same version of android so the problem can only be something that Samsung has done otherwise a lot more phones wouldn't be working. Also keep in mind that the S3 had Bluetooth problems when It first came out. I got fed the same bullshit by Samsung (in that it was the car manufacturers problem) but it isn't as Samsung have clearly failed to follow the same Bluetooth standard as everyone else or haven't made it backwards compatible (which is part of the standard). I even rang my network provider and even they said it was Samsung's fault but if they wouldn't admit it then I would have to buy a newer car that worked with the phone, to which I told them it would be much cheaper for me to just return the phone and get a different make and model (they offered to do this free of charge).
  13. I'm fairly certain that the strut brace pushes against the struts.
  14. ok so sounds like it's normal. I'll let you all know if the new clutch changes it once it's fitted. Thanks for the tip about IE 10 as that is what I'm using.
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