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Everything posted by andybp

  1. was thinking about this myself as mines hit 1 too many speed bumps but dont like the look of the one on ebay looks pretty weak to me
  2. hi guys just in case anyone was bidding i cancelled the auction because i have to go away for work so wont be around at the end of the auction i will re auction or sell on the forum in a couple of weeks
  3. 600x300mm core gonna be tight
  4. just had to ring admiral to check my quote thought it was wrong (it wasn't) £231 fully comp protected no claims 0nly 3000 mile policy but i do less than 1000 so doesn't matter to me
  5. no new updates really the wife's been keeping me busy but the braided oil pipe and intercooler showed up yesterday 600x300 3" inlet/outlet MMMM shiny
  6. better pic of it mounted on car wastegate flexi pipe welded on still got plenty to do steel braided oil feed and return should be here by the end of the week, intercooler and pipework should arrive next week but i still need to decide in what to do about the air filter
  7. with everything bolted on but the tailpipe i don't think anyone will even realise it's there this pic gives a better idea of the layout view from underneath just lacking flexi pipe from wastegate to tailpipe and this is tailpipe with flexi from wastegate welded on (absolute pig to do) need to get this all cleaned up and painted and start on the air filter not gonna just bolt on a cone filter as in the sts setup we dont really have the climate for that
  8. Ok first off sorry for a lack of updates in my defence the weather was crap but now i've managed to swap the exhaust over to the one i have chosen to use for this project things are happening at last the choice to use this system was made for several reasons 1. I had the system already and 2. I didn't want to throw money at it i want to prove it can be done on a budget This approach has caused some issues including restricting my choice of materials and this issue of clearance between the end of the exhaust centre section and the back of the car I did consider cutting it back and welding a new flange on it but i like the idea of being able to put it back to normal easily and also i can still use the car as it only takes 10 min to take the back box off so this is what i came up with yes i know what you're thinking but bear with me this isn't quite the final product neither is this but it's getting there the blue wastegate will go straight into the pipe from the turbo it's going to be just the one tailpipe the silver wastegate is for the quick spool i've still got some welding to do in fact i've still got a lot to do but it's getting there
  9. Ok first sorry about the lack of updates been really busy at work and to be to be honest i'm outside all day at work so dont fancy the idea of laying under the car swapping the exhaust so I can measure up for the fabrication first off the oil system I've had it running on the bench with some success but also some things i'm not happy about the origional sump turned out to be too small but i came across an oil tank on some old hydraulic pumps it was a bit big so i cut it in half and re welded it and welded on an an 10 fitting for the turbo drain tank now fully finished and painted dont have any finished photo's just this one part way through there's an oil cooler on the outlet of the tank feeding an oil filter then the pump the outlet of the pump has a pressure regulator which feeds back into the tank to maintain 40 psi at the turbo i'm having to run the pump at 8 Volts and bypass three times as much oil back to the sump as is going to the turbo to stop the pump stalling and burning out a smaller capacity pump may solve this but if i dont have this sorted by the time the weather improves enough for me to get under the car to start the measuring/fabrication then i'll give up the idea of a stand alone oil system for another day and go with the standard feed from the engine and a scavenge pump at the moment i'm running a unichip piggyback on the car not much use for the turbo setup(although it did give me an extra 3mpg) so this is what i got to replace it a turboxs utec ecu this is what they used on the sts turbo's got it for a good price including the map sensor have just updated the software to the last varsion before they stopped supporting it the only thing it didn't come with that i wanted was the remote map switch had a look around not much in the uk found some in the us but at $50-$70 seemed like a bit of a **** take to me for a switch ,a plug and a bit of cable in the middle so after looking at the accessory plug pinout in the manual i decided to make my own the connections are pretty straight foreward it's a 4 bit binary input although the pin for the fourth bit is also listed as the clutch switch i couldnt get the 4th bit to register it's not needed anyway the BCD (binary coded decimal) switches are generally quite expensive but i managed to get 2 for £3 and paid a couple of quid for the molex connector that plugs into the ecu
  10. andybp

    Best de cats ?

    Some of the cheaper De-Cats can rust pretty quick due to the poor quality stainless used other than that it all about the sound unsilenced sound ok on a standard system other than that i prefer resonated or silenced but at the end of the day it's about personal preference
  11. It's a really difficult one to answer if your involved in an accident where someone gets hurt What i found is that you really have to have told them everything if they want to charge the earth shop around there are some good specialist insurers out there (yes thats from personal experiance and no it wasn't my fault)
  12. yep came from ebay make sure you go for a metal gear type pump as opposed to plastic gears or a diaphram as they aren't designed to cope with hot oil gonna run it from a power controller fed from a pressure sensor so it doesn't run all out at least thats the plan
  13. excellent thanks for that have edited previous post in my defence i am really old well pretty old anyway
  14. whats my photobucket doing?
  15. a bit slow so far really need to get the exhaust system i'm going to use on the car so i can take some measurements but it's too damn cold out to be honest Have started on the dedicated oil system just cut the box section stainless i'm going to use as a sump for the turbo to drain into this isn't very big will hold about 0.5l but the oil cooler will hold about the same so should be adequate i'm going to vent the sump back to the turbo inlet have actually welded this up but too embarassed to show the results haven't touched my tig in at least 3 years should have had a practice first oh well that will teach me best i do it again
  16. Ran 100 shot of Nos on my mr2 but couldn't get refills for a good price in essex how much is it where you are?
  17. should be able to get on soon i have most of the hardware i need to get on http://s1364.photobucket.com/user/andybpowell/media/DSCN0059_zpsf6cad159.jpg.html http://s1364.photobucket.com/user/andybpowell/media/DSCN0060_zps9ca114d5.jpg.html http://s1364.photobucket.com/user/andybpowell/media/DSCN0067_zpsd548b488.jpg.html http://s1364.photobucket.com/user/andybpowell/media/DSCN0065_zps5f541a12.jpg.html
  18. i had my wrist fused together when i was 39 due to arthritis and the only advise i can give is if you do have the surgery go into it in the best physical condition you can the healthier you are the quicker you will recover and also as chris s has discovered a lot of people with back pain can benefit from increased core strength as for the risks you'll have to weigh that up against your quality of life. Good luck.
  19. i'd say you really need to find out for sure if this is a faulty gauge/sensor or a badly worn engine/pump do you have a mechanical pressure gauge you can connect where the sender screws in to check or is it just a hoarder like me who has stuff like that laying around
  20. this is what i've got so far for this project and also the exhaust i'll be using
  21. yea just clutching at straws too tight to buy a turbowerx pump
  22. andybp

    So... MPG

    damn i only get 12 mpg
  23. hey guy's has anyone technical knowledge on turbo's i'm trying to reduce the load on the electric oil pump i'll be using for this project what i want to know is can i reduce the oil pressure to the turbo as the load/boost drops off the reason i want to do this is the oil pumps seem to be a weakness in rearmount applications
  24. not sure about the system but i've had all the options from standard cats to test pipes standard definatley restrictive unsilenced decats sounded harsh silenced decats were not much diffferant sports cats seems to sound deeper and engine pulls more smoothly also passed mot with these all on an unbranded sports system also didn't have any trouble with engine management light with any
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