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Everything posted by andybp

  1. Oops any helps appreciated even if a little late
  2. been on 24hr standby all week so got nothing done but the new larger ally oil tank arrived today and this is my last night of standby finish at 07:30 am tomorrow so if i don't end up out all night i hope to get it all back together tomorrow and get that clip of the exhaust done
  3. One of the guys I worked with got rid of his because it was never out the garage for electrical issues. Would love one though! the m3's are bloody good but they're pretty common and you have to look like a thug to drive one (at least around here)
  4. andybp

    Rear brake issue

    not touched mine yet but will have to do pads this year so hope they're not normally a pain in the arse
  5. andybp

    Rear brake issue

    are you sure the piston/bore was clean it wouldn't take much to cause problems, it does sound like it's sticking
  6. new boost gauge and colder plugs showed up today wii try to get them fitted tomorrow and also get clip of exhaust note posted that i've been getting stick for (well deserved)
  7. thanks, i'm pleased and hope that my ramblings were worth an hour of your time
  8. for the record i wasn't trying to get the video just audio but photobucket won't let me upload an audio filebut even with that excuse the audio's truly awful
  9. mostly i'm blaming the phone but yea pretty awful will try to get a proper one done the weekend maybe
  10. the crappy old phone i used to record it doesn't do it justice
  11. ok seem to have the oil leaks sorted and had to put in a temporary external tank to use as a breather which has stopped the foaming i'm probably going to have to put in a bigger oil tank to solve the problem without bodging it but it will have to be ally as its heavy enough as it is. had an old phone laying around so taped it to one of the hangers for the tank didn't come out too well think the mic on the phone is being overloaded but here it is for what it's worth http://vid1364.photo...zps5c585b56.mp4
  12. you may have spoke too soon tiny oil leak on tank turned into 5 hrs work took it for a spin spools up nicely feels good but the oil is foaming in the tank and coming out the tank breather either due to the pressure regulator recirculating into the tank or the oil pump is pulling in air.seriously considering giving up on the dedicated oil system it's just a pain in the arse on top of that one of the expensive and pretty anodised fittings is leaking on the plus side it pulls really well and sounds awesome
  13. got home from work had dinner and thought to myself I'm not gonna sit here and veg in front of another repeat of top gear I'm gonna get something done on the z so got the wiring finished and filled the tank with oil. the PCV system will have to wait till tomorrow because i haven't fitted the catch can or run the pipe back to the turbo yet run it up sounds pretty good, slight weep from the weld around the oil tank level sight glass so may have to drain it and re-weld tommorow couldn't really see it was pretty dark by then also did my bit for the local wildlife about 20 gnat bites there's dedication for you or stupidity as my wife calls it.if the missus and the weather allow i should get it on the road tomorrow
  14. Got ya ~ Sounds like a good plan. well it's a planif it doesn't turn out to be good i'll make a new plan (sounds like the A Team i'll be Murdoch)
  15. not feasible to run the air filter all the way back to the engine bay i'm going to make an ally cover to go under the whole lot which will also protect the filter from spray
  16. no it was a struggle getting the 2 1/2" Intercooler pipework through not sure what size pipe sts usedthough i suppose i could wrap the exhaust which may improve spoolup time maybe something to look into once it's up and running That's what I was thinking some sort of heat wrap on the exhaust and intercooler piping. Easier to do when off the car but still doable in situ. wouldn't want to wrap the intercooler pipe as the air flowing around the pipe itself helps reduce charge temp better just to lag the exhaust
  17. no it was a struggle getting the 2 1/2" Intercooler pipework through not sure what size pipe sts usedthough i suppose i could wrap the exhaust which may improve spoolup time maybe something to look into once it's up and running
  18. had some time to play at last got the intake pipework and intercooler fitted finished welding up the last piece of the turbo to intercooler pipework this is it fitted running alongside the propshaft and here we are nearly finished just need to run the switched live back for the pump and the pipe back for the crankcase ventilation which goes to the pipe between the air filter and the turbo fill the tank with oil and away we go At last..
  19. Yea that's what i thought but wanted some confirmation before i wasted my hard earned.Thx
  20. Yea just need some time to get it finished but the missus has other ideas for my free time http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/78039-diy-rear-mount/
  21. can anyone confirm that these are the one heat range colder version of the standard plug NGK Laser Platinum Spark Plugs NGK PLFR6A-11 Thx
  22. Haven't managed to get anything done lately missus has had me painting the house what fun can anyone confirm that these are the one heat range colder version of the standard plug NGK Laser Platinum Spark Plugs NGK PLFR6A-11 Thx
  23. I hear what you're saying. I'm not rushing into buying stuff though. I'm just asking questions. The only thing better about my clutch in the RX8 was that it was new. Before it was replaced it, I didn't like it as much. I just like the feeling of a new clutch in any car. The current would last me another 2-3 years with my mileage, so I might as well change it now and enjoy the car that little bit more throughout my ownership. I think I'm going for a Exedy Organic Clutch kit with a LUK flywheel. I'll be sure to replace the spigot bearing too. Is this ok for the that? http://www.ebay.co.u...=item1e8a956baa doubt if you'll have to change the spigot bearing the clutch release bearing is the one you really want to change
  24. i bought from these people flywheel and pressure plate no import duty fast delivery no problems good quality but bought a good quality branded disc from elsewhere as the quality of their discs is debatable as Bradders says change the bearing even if it seems fine it's a false economy to reuse the old one
  25. And you would swop it all for being young again .... Need a help up those stairs by the end of the week i need help up the stairs on the bright side i dont p**s myself yetOh no seems i do..
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